February 19th, 2019

Using Azure CloudShell as a Dev Sandbox

Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

App Dev Manager Isaac Levin explores the power of CloudShell and the ability to create, develop, test, and deploy an application to Azure AND commit to source control with no tooling other than a browser!

Have You Heard of CloudShell?

Back in around the Build 2017 timeframe, the first implementation of Azure CloudShell was rolled out, bringing the ability to run Azure CLI commands from the context of a logged in Azure session, from anywhere the Azure Portal could be loaded (i.e. a browser). This allowed you to do many things via the command line in the Azure world without having to use the GUI or have the tooling installed on your machine. Since that time, there have been a ton of features rolled out to CloudShell, and it can be accessed via its own url https://shell.azure.com/, though you can still access it via the portal like so.

Keeping reading on Isaac’s blog



Developer Support
Cloud Solution Architects

Microsoft Developer Support helps software developers rapidly build and deploy quality applications for Microsoft platforms.


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