Let me start by first apologizing for sharing some information that you are not going to be able to go out and try right away. During one of the interactive Q&A sessions at TechEd, people asked about working with Web Services. I referred to a feature that we were working on and then Hal Rottenberg asked me to blog about some of the details. I’m not sure that this is a good idea because while we have it coded up and in the nightly builds, that is not a guarantee that it will make it into the next version (we often have to cut features in order to create bandwidth to increase the quality of other features). That said, I’m going to go out on the limb a bit and share with you what we are working on.
First let’s start with motivation (you should always start with motivation. If you know WHY someone is doing something, it is easier to get things in focus and provide meaningful feedback). PowerShell is ALL about helping you get your job done with the minimal amount of effort (I’ve been thinking about calling this the "Cheap EATs" model where EAT stands for "Effort to Accomplish Task"). With that comes the observation that we live in an evolving world. To accomplish your task, you need to easily access a wide range of technologies. That is why we invest in giving you great access to WMI, ADSI, COM, XML, .NET, ADO, etc etc. More and more things are now available as Web Services so we want to make it easy for you to get at them as well.
As such, we have speced and implemented the cmdlet: New-WebServiceProxy. This command connects to a Web Service and generates a .NET proxy to that service. Let me show you how it works using a web service which works with USZIP codes (http://www.webservicex.net/uszip.asmx ):
PS> $ws=New-WebServiceProxy -uri http://www.webservicex.net/uszip.asmx?WSDL
PS> # NOTE – the output of the next command was edited for clarity
PS> Get-Command New-WebServiceProxy -Syntax
New-WebServiceProxy [-Uri] <Uri> [[-Class] <String>] [[-Namespace] <String>]
New-WebServiceProxy [-Uri] <Uri> [[-Class] <String>] [[-Namespace] <String>]
[-Credential <PSCredential>]
New-WebServiceProxy [-Uri] <Uri> [[-Class] <String>] [[-Namespace] <String>]
PS> $ws=New-WebServiceProxy -uri http://www.webservicex.net/uszip.asmx?WSDL
PS> $ws | get-Member
TypeName: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewWebserviceProxy.Autogenerated
Name MemberType Definition
—- ———- ———-
Disposed Event System.EventHandler Disp…
Abort Method System.Void Abort()
BeginGetInfoByAreaCode Method System.IAsyncResult Begi…
BeginGetInfoByCity Method System.IAsyncResult Begi…
BeginGetInfoByState Method System.IAsyncResult Begi…
BeginGetInfoByZIP Method System.IAsyncResult Begi…
CreateObjRef Method System.Runtime.Remoting….
Discover Method System.Void Discover()
Dispose Method System.Void Dispose()
EndGetInfoByAreaCode Method System.Xml.XmlNode EndGe…
EndGetInfoByCity Method System.Xml.XmlNode EndGe…
EndGetInfoByState Method System.Xml.XmlNode EndGe…
EndGetInfoByZIP Method System.Xml.XmlNode EndGe…
Equals Method System.Boolean Equals(Ob…
GetHashCode Method System.Int32 GetHashCode()
GetInfoByAreaCode Method System.Xml.XmlNode GetIn…
GetInfoByCity Method System.Xml.XmlNode GetIn…
GetInfoByState Method System.Xml.XmlNode GetIn…
GetInfoByZIP Method System.Xml.XmlNode GetIn…
GetLifetimeService Method System.Object GetLifetim…
GetType Method System.Type GetType()
InitializeLifetimeService Method System.Object Initialize…
ToString Method System.String ToString()
AllowAutoRedirect Property System.Boolean AllowAuto…
ClientCertificates Property System.Security.Cryptogr…
ConnectionGroupName Property System.String Connection…
Container Property System.ComponentModel.IC…
CookieContainer Property System.Net.CookieContain…
Credentials Property System.Net.ICredentials …
EnableDecompression Property System.Boolean EnableDec…
PreAuthenticate Property System.Boolean PreAuthen…
Proxy Property System.Net.IWebProxy Pro…
RequestEncoding Property System.Text.Encoding Req…
Site Property System.ComponentModel.IS…
SoapVersion Property System.Web.Services.Prot…
Timeout Property System.Int32 Timeout {ge…
UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing Property System.Boolean UnsafeAut…
Url Property System.String Url {get;s…
UseDefaultCredentials Property System.Boolean UseDefaul…
UserAgent Property System.String UserAgent …
PS> $ws.GetInfoByZIP(98072)
xmlns Table
—– —–
PS> $ws.GetInfoByZIP(98072).Table
CITY : Woodinville
ZIP : 98072
PS> $ws.GetInfoByAreaCode(425).table |ft -auto
—- —– — ——— ———
Snoqualmie WA 98065 425 P
Woodinville WA 98072 425 P
Bellevue WA 98004 425 P
Bellevue WA 98005 425 P
Bellevue WA 98006 425 P
Bellevue WA 98007 425 P
Bellevue WA 98008 425 P
Bellevue WA 98009 425 P
Bellevue WA 98015 425 P
Bothell WA 98011 425 P
Bothell WA 98012 425 P
Bothell WA 98021 425 P
Bothell WA 98041 425 P
Bothell WA 98082 425 P
Carnation WA 98014 42
5 P
Duvall WA 98019 425 P
Edmonds WA 98020 425 P
Edmonds WA 98026 425 P
Everett WA 98201 425 P
Everett WA 98203 425 P
Everett WA 98204 425 P
Everett WA 98205 425 P
Everett WA 98206 425 P
Everett WA 98207 425 P
Everett WA 98208 425 P
Hobart WA 98025 425 P
Issaquah WA 98027 425 P
Issaquah WA 98029 425 P
Kirkland WA 98033 425 P
Kirkland WA 98034 425 P
Kirkland WA 98083 425 P
Lake Stevens WA 98258 425 P
Lynnwood WA 98036 425 P
Lynnwood WA 98037 425 P
Lynnwood WA 98046 425 P
Maple Valley WA 98038 425 P
Medina WA 98039 425 P
Mountlake Terrace WA 98043 425 P
Mukilteo WA 98275 425 P
North Bend WA 98045 425 P
Preston WA 98050 425 P
Ravensdale WA 98051 425 P
Redmond WA 98052 425 P
Redmond WA 98053 425 P
Redmond WA 98073 425 P
Renton WA 98055 425 P
Renton WA 98056 425 P
Renton WA 98057 425 P
Renton WA 98058 425 P
Renton WA 98059 425 P
Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]
Windows Management Partner Architect
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