One feature of the NTFS file system is the junction, which is similar to a short cut but works at the file system level. This lets you link one directory to another. There’s a tool called ‘junction’ available here that lets you manipulate junctions.
When listing the contents of a directory, by default PowerShell doesn’t tell you which sub-directories are junctions. I wanted to be able to tell which ones were junctions when doing a ‘dir’.
The way I did that was to copy the built in file system formatting file, modify it so that junctions are indicated, then load it with Update-FormatData:
The file system formatting rules are in $pshome\FileSystem.Format.ps1xml. I copied this, then in the element [ViewDefinitions –> View –> TableControl –> TableRowEntries –> TableRowEntry –> TableColumnItems –> TableColumnItem] I changed the content of PropertyName with value of ‘Mode’ to the following:
"$($_.Mode)$(if($_.Attributes -band [IO.FileAttributes]::ReparsePoint) {'J'})"
Next, load the new formatting file like this:
PS> Update-FormatData -PrependPath myFilesystem.format.ps1xml
The PrependPath parameter ensures that the new formatting file is loaded before the built-in formatting files.
Let’s see what the output looks like:
PS> dir
Directory: C:\tmp
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----J 2/9/2010 3:51 PM alink
d---- 2/9/2010 3:51 PM notAlink
Directory alink has a ‘J’ in the mode column, seems to work!
cheers, Nigel Sharples [MSFT]