January 10th, 2009


PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

Everyone needs to get good with Advanced Functions – this is the easiest path to the best semantics for everyone.  In previous posts we’ve shown how you can add a few simple attributes and get a TON of stuff for free.  There is a LOT more to advanced functions.  You can go VERY VERY far with advanced functions.  I can’t think of anything you can do in C# Cmdlet that you can’t do with a PowerShell cmdlet.  Many of these functions are made available to you via the $PsCmdlet variable.

For example, if  you write a Cmdlet which takes multiple ParameterSets, you need to know which ParameterSet the user selected.  The way you get at that is:


Now there is a TON of good stuff in $PSCmdlet and it is not yet well documented so the question is – how do you use it.  You ALREADY know the answer of course –

Use PowerShell to explore and figure it out yourself (and then blog it so others can learn)

I was doing a bunch of scripting today and couldn’t remember how to use $PsCmdlet to do something so I decided to write myself a function that allowed me to Test PsCmdlet.  I’m sharing it with you here so you can use/enjoy it (remember – explore, learn, blog/share).

function Test-PsCmdlet
    Test/Explore the $PsCmdlet variable
    This command creates a nested prompt with $PsCmdlet set so that you explore
    the capabilities of the parameter.
    When you write an advanced function, you use $PsCmdlet to give you access to the
    PowerShell engine and a rich set of functions.  Use this function to explore what
    is available to you. 
    This command copies $PsCmdlet to $p so you can use it and reduce typing.
    This is implemented by using $host.EnterNestedPrompt() which means that you have
    to type EXIT to get out of this mode.

NAME:      Test-PsCmdlet
AUTHOR:    RugratsVista\jsnover
LASTEDIT:  01/10/2009 16:25:42
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor RED “Interactively explore `$PsCmdlet .  Copied `$PsCmdlet to `$p ”
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor RED ‘Type “Exit” to return’
    $p = $pscmdlet
    function Prompt {“Test-PsCmdlet> “}

Let’s use it and explore:

PS> Test-PScmdlet
Interactively explore $PsCmdlet .  Copied $PsCmdlet to $p
Type “Exit” to return
Test-PsCmdlet> $p |gm

   TypeName: System.Management.Automation.PSScriptCmdlet

Name                                MemberType Definition
—-                                ———- ———-
CurrentProviderLocation             Method     System.Management.Automat…
Dispose                             Method     System.Void Dispose()
Equals                              Method     System.Boolean Equals(Obj…
GetDynamicParameters                Method     System.Object GetDynamicP…
GetHashCode                         Method     System.Int32 GetHashCode()
GetResolvedProviderPathFromPSPath   Method     System.Collections.Object…
GetResourceString                   Method     System.String GetResource…
GetType                             Method     System.Type GetType()
GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath Method     System.String GetUnresolv…
GetVariableValue                    Method     System.Object GetVariable…
Invoke                              Method      Invoke(), System.Collect…
ShouldContinue                      Method     System.Boolean ShouldCont…
ShouldProcess                       Method     System.Boolean ShouldProc…
ThrowTerminatingError               Method     System.Void ThrowTerminat…
ToString                            Method     System.String ToString()
TransactionAvailable                Method     System.Boolean Transactio…
WriteCommandDetail                  Method     System.Void WriteCommandD…
WriteDebug                          Method     System.Void WriteDebug(St…
WriteError                          Method     System.Void WriteError(Er…
WriteObject                         Method     System.Void WriteObject(O…
WriteProgress                       Method     System.Void WriteProgress…
WriteVerbose                        Method     System.Void WriteVerbose(…
WriteWarning                        Method     System.Void WriteWarning(…
CommandOrigin                       Property   System.Management.Automat…
CommandRuntime                      Property   System.Management.Automat…
CurrentPSTransaction                Property   System.Management.Automat…
Events                              Property   System.Management.Automat…
Host                                Property   System.Management.Automat…
InvokeCommand                       Property   System.Management.Automat…
InvokeProvider                      Property   System.Management.Automat…
JobRepository                       Property   System.Management.Automat…
MyInvocation                        Property   System.Management.Automat…
ParameterSetName                    Property   System.String ParameterSe…
SessionState                        Property   System.Management.Automat…
Stopping                            Property   System.Boolean Stopping {…

Test-PsCmdlet> $p.CurrentProviderLocation

MemberType          : Method
OverloadDefinitions : {System.Management.Automation.PathInfo CurrentProvide
                      rLocation(String providerId)}
TypeNameOfValue     : System.Management.Automation.PSMethod
Value               : System.Management.Automation.PathInfo CurrentProvider
                      Location(String providerId)
Name                : CurrentProviderLocation
IsInstance          : True

Test-PsCmdlet> $p.CurrentProviderLocation(“FileSystem”)


Test-PsCmdlet> $p.CurrentProviderLocation(“registry”)


Test-PsCmdlet> exit

BTW – when you write a script and you want to write a file into the current directory – you should NOT use the current directory because in PowerShell, that might be the registry, the certificate store, the WSMAN configuration store, etc.  What you REALLY want to do is to write a file into the Current FILESYSTEM directory.  This is the way you find out.  $psCmdlet.CurrentProviderLocation() is a method that returns the current location for a particular provider (which you pass in as a string).  Thus to get the current filesystem directory you type:


Remember – this only works when you have $psCmdlet set which is to say when you are in an Advanced Function.  Did I mention that everyone should be using Advanced Functions for everything?  Get with the program today.


Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]
Windows Management Partner Architect
Visit the Windows PowerShell Team blog at:    http://blogs.msdn.com/PowerShell
Visit the Windows PowerShell ScriptCenter at:  http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/hubs/msh.mspx


PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language built on .NET. PowerShell helps system administrators and power-users rapidly automate tasks that manage operating systems (Linux, macOS, and Windows) and processes.


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