Today we shipped PowerShell 7 Preview5! This release contains a number of new features and many bug fixes from both the community as well as the PowerShell team. See the Release Notes for all the details of what is included in this release.
We are still on track to have one more preview release next month in November. Then, barring any quality concerns, a Release Candidate in December aligned with the .NET Core 3.1 final release. Finally, we expect General Availability of PowerShell 7 in January as our first Long Term Servicing release.
Between the Release Candidate and General Availability, we will only accept critical bug fixes and no new features will be included. For that release, some Experimental Features will be considered design stable and no longer be Experimental. This means that any future design changes for those features will be considered a breaking change.
New Features in Preview 5
This release has a number of new features from both the community as well as the PowerShell team. Remember that preview releases of PowerShell are installed side-by-side with stable versions so you can use both and provide us feedback on previews for bugs and also on experimental features.
You can read about new features in previous preview releases:
There were new features in Preview 1 and Preview 2, but I didn’t blog about them… sorry!
Chain operators
The new Pipeline Chain Operators allow conditional execution of commands depending on whether the previous command succeeded for failed. This works with both native commands as well as PowerShell cmdlets or functions. Prior to this feature, you could already do this by use of if
statements along with checking if $?
indicated that the last statement succeeded or failed. This new operator makes this simpler and consistent with other shells.
Null conditional operators for coalescing and assignment
Often in your scripts, you may need to check if a variable is $null or if a property is $null before using it. The new Null conditional operators makes this simpler.
The new ??
null coalescing operator removes the need for if
and else
statements if you want to get the value of a statement if it’s not $null or return something else if it is $null. Note that this doesn’t replace the check for a boolean value of true or false, it’s only checking if the returned value is $null.
The new ??=
null conditional assignment operator makes it easy to assign a variable a value only if the variable value is $null.
New PowerShell version notification
Our telemetry available in our PowerBI Dashboard indicates some set of users are still using older versions (sometimes older previews of released stable versions!). This new feature will inform you on startup if a new preview version is available (if you are using a preview version) or if a new stable version is available to keep you up-to-date on the latest servicing release which may contain security fixes. Because this is new, you won’t see this in action until Preview 6 comes out.
More details of this feature including how to disable it in the Notification on Version Update RFC
Tab completion for variable assignment
This new feature will allow you to use tab completion on variable assignment and get allowed values for enums or variables with type constraints like [ValidateSet()]
. This makes it easy to change $ErrorActionPreference
or the new $ErrorView
(detailed below) to valid values without having to type them out.
Format-Hex improved formatting
This improvement comes from Joel Sallow making Format-Hex
more useful when viewing different types of objects in a pipeline as well as supporting viewing more types of objects.
Get-HotFix is back
The Get-HotFix
cmdlet only works on Windows and will query the system on what patches have been installed. This was previously unavailable in PowerShell Core 6 because it depended on System.Management namespace which wasn’t available on .NET Core 2.x which PowerShell Core 6.x is built on. However, .NET Core 3.0 which PowerShell 7 is built on brought back this namespace (for Windows only) so we re-enabled this cmdlet.
There is a delay getting results in this example due to the number of patches I have on my Windows 7 VM.
Select-String adds emphasis
This was a HackIllinois project by Derek Xia that uses inverse colored text to highlight the text in a string that matches the selection criteria. There is an optional -NoEmphasis
switch to suppress the emphasis.
ConciseView for errors
Some user feedback we’ve consistently received is about the amount of red text you get when you encounter an error in PowerShell.
The $ErrorView
preference variable allows you to change the formatting of errors. Previously, it supported NormalView
(the default) as well as a more terse CategoryView
. This feature adds a ConciseView
where most commands return just the relevant error message. In cases where there is additional contextual information in a script file or the location in a script block, you get the line number, the line of text in question, and a pointer to where the error occurred.
This new view is part of the Update Error View RFC so please provide feedback there!
Get-Error cmdlet
While ConciseView
gives you more precise, but limited information on errors, we added a new cmdlet Get-Error
to get much richer information on errors.
By default, just running Get-Error
shows a formatted view of the most recent error including showing specific nested types like Exceptions and ErrorRecords making it easier to diagnose what went wrong.
This new cmdlet is part of the Update Error View RFC so please provide feedback there!
We have one more preview planned for November with a few more features coming from the PowerShell team as well as the PowerShell community!
Steve Lee PowerShell Team
Happy to see these handy features.
Thanks for sharing the great post
Zinfomatic Technologies
Please tell the Security team to fix the Get-ProcessMitigation and Set-ProcessMitigation modules! They’re unusable on Server 2019 and fail doing things the documentation says should be possible on Windows 10 as well.
+9000 for the chain operators, missed them so much.
“The new ??= null conditional assignment operator makes it easy to assign a variable a value only if it’s not $null.”
“The new ??= null conditional assignment operator makes it easy to assign a variable a value only if it is $null.”
This is a really cool one that I previously often needed a separate if statement for, great!
It’s awesome to see all of the great new capabilities added in v7 and that PowerShell is getting some much needed love, bringing some great syntax that C# has had for a while.
I’ll echo Fleet Command’s comment that having only animated gifs make these posts very painful, as they take probably 10x longer than it would as just text. The animated gifs are nice for watching the commands in action, and also having a transcript of the same output shown would make consuming these posts much quicker and more enjoyable.
Thanks for keeping us updated Steve 🙂
Any plans for adding YAML support?
+1 for that
+1 for that
A bunch of amazing new capabilities !
That was very exciting news. Thanks for sharing. 👍
But please, please, please, use actual video formats instead of Animated GIFs. Browsers won’t let us pause and resume Animated GIFs and if they are longer than five seconds, understanding them becomes problematic. They start playing as soon as the page loads but the reader might have to read a few paragraphs before wanting to see them from the start. Besides, the GIF compression algorithm is awful.