We pride ourselves about being a bit overboard when it comes to Error handling. That is why our sparse (non-existing?) documentation of THROW and TRAP handling is both ironic and sad. 10,000 apologizes for that, we’ll fix it in the next release.
In the mean time, it’s Don Jones amd Jeffery Hicks to the rescue. Don and Jeffery are the co-authors of Windows PowerShell: TFM. The great thing about that is that they decided to “give you a taste” of the book so you can see whether you might be interesting in buying it. It is our collective good luck that they made Chapter 11 Debugging and Error Handling as the sample chapter. Click on the Chapter in the previous sentence and it will bring you to the chapter. If that doesn’t work – go to: http://www.sapienpress.com/powershell.pdf .
BTW – their book recently went to Press so it should be available any day now. I can’t wait to get my copy.
Jeffrey Snover [MSFT]
Windows PowerShell/MMC Architect
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