May 14th, 2021

Announcing PSDesiredStateConfiguration on PowerShell Gallery

Jason Helmick

Continuing our investment in DSC, we are pleased to announce the release of PSDesiredStateConfiguration 2.0.5 for DSC as a separate module on PowerShell Gallery. This is in preparation for publishing previews of the 3.0 version of this module which will have new capabilities, but also some breaking changes.

DSC is an important platform in configuration management, and we value the feedback we are receiving from the community. To further the goals of DSC, PSDesiredStateConfiguration module will no longer be included in the PowerShell package beginning in a future release of PowerShell 7.2 preview. Separating DSC into its own module allows us to invest and develop DSC independent of PowerShell and reduces the size of the PowerShell package. Users of DSC will enjoy the benefit of upgrading DSC without the need to upgrade PowerShell, accelerating time to deployment of new DSC features.

Customers impacted by this change and wishing to remain on DSC v2 can download PSDesiredStateConfiguration 2.0.5 for Windows PowerShell from the PowerShell Gallery. Customers working with non-Windows environments can expect cross-platform features in DSC v3. For more information about DSC and the teams on-going investments for 2021, see PowerShell Team 2021 Investments

To download PSDesiredStateConfiguration from the PowerShell Gallery:

To install PSDesiredStateConfiguration:

Install-Module -Name PSDesiredStateConfiguration -Repository PSGallery -MaximumVersion 2.99


Be sure to include the parameter MaximumVersion or you will receive the latest version of PSDesireStateConfiguration which contains significant differences.

For more information about DSC v3 and the teams investments for 2021, see PowerShell Team 2021 Investments


Jason Helmick

Nice to meet you! I’m a Program Manager on the PowerShell team at Microsoft. My focus is on all things PowerShell including Predictive IntelliSense, Crescendo, DSC and PlatyPS. One favorite pastime is working with the rapidly growing PowerShell community.

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  • Krish Mahadevan

    Is there a plan to make PowerShell v7 as default for future releases of Server/Desktop instead of v5.1?
