Sometimes it’s handy to access internal elements of script modules. For instance you may be using a 3rd party module in your application and would like to see the internal state for debugging purposes.
This can be accomplished with the invoke operator (&) which allows you to access a modules session state:
& $module {script block}
The script block is executed in the context of the module.
Create a script module that exports nothing:
[string] $foo = "IamFoo"
function Hidden($zarg) {
"$zarg was passed to me"
Export-ModuleMember -Function @()
Save to a file ‘NoExport.psm1’, import the module and assign to a variable:
PS> $m = import-module .\NoExport.psm1 -passthru
If we try to call function ‘Hidden’ we get an error because it was not exported, but we can call it with the operator & .
PS>& $m {Hidden 'bar'}
bar was passed to me
Likewise, we can also retrieve and set the module variable $foo:
PS>& $m {$foo}
PS>& $m {$script:foo = 'NewFoo'}
PS>& $m {$foo}
Note that in order to set variable foo you must use script scope.
Nigel Sharples [MSFT]