April 22nd, 2014

Debug Mode in Desired State Configuration

PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

The DSC engine caches resources implemented as a PowerShell module for efficiency purposes. This can sometimes turn out to be annoying, when you are authoring a resource and testing it simultaneously. The only way to cause DSC to load the newer version every time is to explicitly kill the process hosting the DSC engine.

As part of the WMF5 CTP release, we have introduced a new property for configuring the DSC Local Configuration Manager (LCM) called the DebugMode. When set to true, it causes the engine to reload the PowerShell DSC resource. Once you are done writing your resource, you can set it back to false and the engine will revert to its behavior of caching the modules.

Here is a demonstration of using the DebugMode:

PS C:\Users\WinVMAdmin\Desktop> Get-DscLocalConfigurationManager



AllowModuleOverwrite           : False

CertificateID                  :

ConfigurationID                :

ConfigurationMode              : ApplyAndMonitor

ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins : 30

Credential                     :

DebugMode                      : False

DownloadManagerCustomData      :

DownloadManagerName            :

LocalConfigurationManagerState : Ready

RebootNodeIfNeeded             : False

RefreshFrequencyMins           : 15

RefreshMode                    : PUSH

PSComputerName                 : 


To begin with, it is false (by default).

For the purpose of demonstration, we will be using the following PowerShell resource:

function Get-TargetResource







    return @{onlyProperty = Get-Content -path $env:SystemDrive\OutputFromTestProviderDebugMode.txt”}


function Set-TargetResource







    “1”|Out-File PSPath $env:SystemDrive\OutputFromTestProviderDebugMode.txt”


function Test-TargetResource







    return $false



We author a configuration using the above resource(let us call the resource TestProviderDebugMode):

Configuration ConfigTestDebugMode


    Import-DscResource -Name TestProviderDebugMode

    Node localhost


        TestProviderDebugMode test


            onlyProperty = “blah”






 If we read the contents of the file: “$env:SystemDrive\OutputFromTestProviderDebugMode.txt”, we see it is 1. Now, let us update our provider code. For the purpose of demonstration, we will use the following script:

$newResourceOutput = Get-Random -Minimum 5 -Maximum 30

$content = @”

function Get-TargetResource







    return @{onlyProperty = Get-Content -path “$env:SystemDrive\OutputFromTestProviderDebugMode.txt”}


function Set-TargetResource







    $newResourceOutput“|Out-File –PSPath C:\OutputFromTestProviderDebugMode.txt


function Test-TargetResource







    return `$false


“@ | Out-File FilePath “C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\MyPowerShellModules\DSCResources\TestProviderDebugMode\TestProviderDebugMode.psm1”



It generates a random number and updates the provider code accordingly. This simulates the scenario where you need to make frequent updates to your provider and test them.

With the DebugMode set to false, the contents of the file “$env:SystemDrive\OutputFromTestProviderDebugMode.txt” are never changed.

Now let us set the DebugMode to true by having the following block in our configuration script:



    DebugMode = $true



Now, if you run the above script again, you will see that the content of the file is different every time. (You can do a Get-DscConfiguration to check it). Here is what I got in two subsequent runs:

PS C:\Users\WinVMAdmin\Desktop> Get-DscConfigurationCimSession (New-CimSession localhost)


onlyProperty                            PSComputerName                        

————                            ————–                        

20                                      localhost                             


PS C:\Users\WinVMAdmin\Desktop> Get-DscConfigurationCimSession (New-CimSession localhost)


onlyProperty                            PSComputerName                        

————                            ————–                        

14                                      localhost                             



Happy configuring!

Abhik Chatterjee

Windows PowerShell Developer



PowerShell Team
PowerShell Team

PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language built on .NET. PowerShell helps system administrators and power-users rapidly automate tasks that manage operating systems (Linux, macOS, and Windows) and processes.


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