Creating a scalable, customised running environment

Rod Meaney

Often people come to PowerShell as a developer looking for a simpler life, or as a support person looking to make their life easier. Either way, we start exploring ways to encapsulate repeatable functionality, and through PowerShell that is cmdlets.

How to create these is defined well in Designing PowerShell For End Users. And Microsoft obviously have pretty good documention, including How to Write a PowerShell Script Module. I also have a few basic rules I remember wehen creating cmdlets to go along with the above posts:

  • Always use cmdlet binding.
  • Call the file name the same as the cmdlet, without the dash.

But how do you organise them and ensure that they always load. This post outlines an approach that has worked well for me across a few different jobs, with a few iterations to get to this point.


There are 2 parts to making an effective running environment

  • Ensuring all your cmdlets for a specific module will load.
  • Ensuring all your modules will load.

Example setup


We are aiming high here. Over time your functionality will grow and this shows a structure that allows for growth. There are 3 modules (effectively folders): Forms, BusinessUtilities and GeneralUtilities. They are broken up into 2 main groupings, my-support and my-utilities. ps-community-blog is the GitHub repository where you can find this example.

Inside the GenreralUtilities folder you can see the all-important .psm1, with the same name as the folder and a couple of cmdlets I have needed over the years. The .psm1 file is a requirement to create a module.

Ensuring all your cmdlets for a specific module will load

Most descriptions of creating modules will explain that you need to either add the cmdlet into the .psm1, or load the cmdlet files in the .psm1 file. Instead, put the below in ALL your .psm1 module files:

Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\*.ps1" | ForEach-Object {
    . $PSScriptRoot\$($_.Name)

What does this do and why does it work?

  • At a high level, it iterates over the current folder, and runs every .ps1 file as PowerShell.
  • $PSScriptRoot is the key here, and tells running session, what the location of the current code is.

This means you can create cmdlets under this structure, and they will automatically load when you start up a new PowerShell session.

Ensuring all your modules will load

So, the modules are sorted. How do we make sure the modules themselves load? It’s all about the Profile.ps1. You will either find it or need to create it in:

  • PowerShell 5 and lower – $HOME\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Profile.ps1.
  • PowerShell 7 – $HOME\Documents\PowerShell\Profile.ps1.
  • For detailed information, see About Profiles.

So this file runs at the start of every session that is opened on your machine. I have included both 5 and 7, as in a lot of corporate environments, 5 is all that is available, and often people don’t have access to modify their environment. With some simple code we can ensure our modules will open. Add this into your Profile.ps1:

Write-Host "Loading Modules for Day-to-Day use"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" # A safeguard for any errors

$MyModuleDef = @{
    Utilities = @{
        Path    = "C:\work\git-personal\ps-community-blog\my-utilities"
        Exclude = @(".git")
    Support = @{
        Path    = "C:\work\git-personal\ps-community-blog\my-support"
        Exclude = @(".git")

foreach ($key in $MyModuleDef.Keys) {
    $module  = $MyModuleDef[$key]
    $exclude = $module.Exclude

    $env:PSModulePath = @(
    ) -join [System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator

    Get-ChildItem -Path $module.Path -Directory -Exclude $exclude |
        ForEach-Object {
            Write-Host "Loading Module $($_.Name) in $Key"
            Import-Module $_.Name

What does this do and why does it work?

  • At a high level, it defines your module groupings, then loads your modules into the PowerShell session.
  • $MyModuleDef contains the reference to your module groupings, to make sure all the sub folders are loaded as modules.
  • Exclude is very important. You may load the code directly of your code base, so ignoring those as modules is important. I have also put DLL’s in folders in module groupings, and ignoring these is important as well.

Now, every time you open any PowerShell session on your machine, all your local cmdlets will be there, ready to use with all the wonderful functionality you have created.


Having your own PowerShell cmdlets at your fingertips with minimal overhead or thinking makes your PowerShell experinece so very much more rewarding. It also makes it easier to do as I like to do and start the day with my favourite mantra:

Lets break some stuff!


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  • Doug Maurer 0

    Thanks for the article. I have two questions.

    First, why would you manually construct the ps1 path when you’ve already collected it?

    Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\*.ps1" | ForEach-Object {
        . $_.Fullname

    Second, why add

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

    and not use any try/catch?

    Thanks again for sharing!

    • Rod Meaney 0

      Hi Doug,

      I’ll answer second first. We are not building customer facing applications, rather backend operational scripts. They should work, and if they do not then something is broken (network down, databases down, services down). I found that scripts kept on executing if I did not have this (especially in large loops) – and it more often than not led to me not knowing there was an issue. It was a problem in both scheduled scripts and dev-ops type scenarios as well. Try/Catch is useful when you know what the possible issue is and you can take action – i just want to know there is an issue, fix the source problem, and re-run the script. And perhaps change the script if it is something I can control and work around.

      I am not quite sure what you are asking with the first question, but if I explain its purpose perhaps that will help. We want the modules to be able to be deployed to multiple machines (both for scheduled scripts, and locally operator run scripts) and this could be any directory anywhere. The line in the psm1 file means that is can load ANY script file in the current directory, even if we continue to add them. This is particularly handy while developing. The lines in the profile.ps1 mean that individual machine can have the modules anywhere on the machine, not just the pre-defined locations. We often have them in local git repositories for the non-developers and they just need to know how to run a git update to get all the latest functionality.

      Hope this makes sense and thanks for reading!

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