October 11th, 2023

Power Platform Global AI Hack Wrap Up

The Power Platform Global AI #HackTogether concludes, but your AI adventure is just beginning!

We did it! We rocked the Power Platform Global AI #HackTogether and had a blast! We witnessed some awesome walkthroughs and demos from our brilliant experts, who taught us how to unleash the power of AI in our Power Platform solutions. You learned, you hacked, you innovated. You are all now official Power Platform AI hackers!

What happened in the last week of the Power Platform Global AI #HackTogether?

The final week of the hackathon started with the caring is sharing session hosted by David Warner, a must see if you missed it! David was on his game and gave a fantastic walkthrough of how to get started on GitHub. We closed out the week with a wrap up and take action session showcasing the breathtaking peak into the future of AI in Power Automate with Vice President Stephen Siciliano.

September 25th, 2023 | How to submit your projects on GitHub


Not sure what GitHub was or how to use it? In this session, David Warner gave us an amazing primer on how to get started and navigate GitHub! David is an incredible presenter and gave super detailed instructions with lots of visuals. He even had a few surprise tips to share that even some seasoned users were delighted by. 

September 28th, 2023 | Wrap up and take action: Join our community for the next Big Thing!


This session marked the end of the hackathon with a fantastic closing keynote by Stephen Siciliano, VP of Power Automate, who shared his insights on the present and future of AI in the Power Platform. He also engaged with the audience in a live Q&A session. Following that, April, Daniel, and Gomolemo discussed the next steps for the hackathon, including the prizes and judging criteria.

Missed these sessions? Don’t worry, you can watch all of the sessions from the Power Platform Global AI Hack Together here. If you’d like to review the slides, you can also find them here.

Timeline to announce the winners 🏆

We will be reaching out to all participants who submitted an accepted project to the hackathon with instructions on how to register for your digital badge. Keep an eye out for more information in your inbox on when to expect your badge.

Our judges will review all submissions and select the winners in each category. If you’re one of the lucky winners, we’ll notify you via email no later than Friday, October 20th, 2023.

We’ll publicly announce all winners on the Power Platform blog on October 23rd, 2023. Following the announcement, we’ll work with the winners to showcase their projects. Stay tuned for more updates! 

Thank You!

A big heartfelt thank you to all the participants of the Power Platform HackTogether! You have shown your creativity, innovation, and passion for AI in the Power Platform. You have built amazing solutions using Copilot, AI Builder, and Azure OpenAI Service. You have hacked together as a team, learned from Microsoft experts, and submitted your projects on GitHub. You have proven that you are not just hackers, but also makers, problem solvers, and visionaries. Thank you again for joining us in this exciting journey of exploring the possibilities of AI in the Power Platform. We hope you had fun, learned something new, and made some friends along the way. You are all winners in our eyes!

We’d also like to thank all of our judges for their expertise and dedication to the community!

Give us your feedback!

We had a great time and really enjoyed our HackTogether time together, but we want to know about you. Did you have fun? Did you learn something new? Did you have any issues? Please fill out this survey to tell us a little about your Power Platform Global AI HackTogether experience.

Dont forget to continue sharing your solutions and prompts with us! The hack may be over, but your Power Platform Copilot story doesn’t have to be! If you’d like to showcase more of your solutions, you can always share your solutions at https://aka.ms/powerplatform-samples. If you’d like to share any of your sample prompts, you can do that as well at https://aka.ms/powerplatformprompts!

Thanks again and happy hacking 🙂


Technical Program Manager for Power Platform Advocacy

April Dunnam
Principal Power Platform Advocate

April is a process automation pro, collaboration tool enthusiast and karaoke queen. She's a woman who codes, but is passionate about teaching others to build apps and automation with zero code. She feels very fortunate to have a job where she can make that happen every day as a Principal Power Platform Advocate at Microsoft.


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