
Recommended for best results when using PIX on Windows:

  • Windows 10 with latest updates
  • 32 GB RAM
  • A Direct3D 12 GPU with the latest available graphics drivers

Minimum requirements for PIX version 2006.26 and newer:

  • Windows 10 version 1809 (aka RS5)
  • x64 processor architecture
  • A Direct3D 12 GPU of any feature level

Minimum requirements for PIX version 2004.27 and older:

  • Windows 10 build 10586 (November Update, aka TH2)
  • x64 processor architecture
  • A Direct3D 12 GPU of any feature level

PIX on Windows does not support directly analyzing x86 or Direct3D 11 applications. However, Direct3D 11 apps can be captured via by forcing D3D 11on12.

If you are running a Windows build earlier than 14393, or have not installed the latest Windows updates as of October 2016, some PIX features will be disabled:

  • Shader debugging
  • Debug layer warnings and GPU validation
  • Start-of-pipeline GPU timestamps (which increase the quality of GPU timing data, and reduce the time required to collect it)

If you are not using the latest graphics drivers, these features may be disabled:

  • Start-of-pipeline GPU timestamps
  • GPU shader instruction disassembly
