April 26th, 2012

Async Targeting Pack for Visual Studio 11 now available for .NET 4 and Silverlight 5

Stephen Toub - MSFT
Partner Software Engineer

We’re happy to announce that you can now download an Async Targeting Pack for Visual Studio 11 that lets you target .NET 4 and Silverlight 5.  The included DLLs address the previously discussed issue of the Visual Studio 11 Beta compilers being incompatible with the AsyncCtpLibrary* DLLs from the Async CTP; with this targeting pack, you can use the async/await keywords with Visual Studio 11 Beta to compile for .NET 4 and Silverlight 5.  The DLLs are available via a NuGet package, with installation details available here. Enjoy!


Stephen Toub - MSFT
Partner Software Engineer

Stephen Toub is a developer on the .NET team at Microsoft.


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