Ivan Berg

Principal Dev, Windows + Devices Platform Health Performance

I am a Principal Dev on the W+D Platform Health Client Performance Team. I both create perf tooling & improve software using perf tooling.

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New Android logcat support available in Microsoft Performance Tools for Linux & Android

We recently added support for parsing Android logcat logs to the OSS Microsoft-Performance-Tools-Linux-Android project. Logcat is a text-based dump of system & app messages on Android. This is what the logcat log would look like when loaded in Windows Performance Analyzer (WPA) (image) Logcat for performance Logcat is useful in ...

Perfetto tooling for analyzing Android, Linux, and Chromium browser performance – Microsoft-Performance-Tools-Linux-Android

Introduction In the last blog post, we introduced the cross platform open-source .NET Core Microsoft-Performance-Tools-Linux-Android tooling. Recently, we just released version 1.2 adding Perfetto support, which we will cover here. (image) Perfetto is Google’s open-source tracing ecosystem covering Linux kernel tracing (and user-mode...

New tools for analyzing Android, Linux, and Chromium browser performance – Microsoft-Performance-Tools for Linux-Android

Introducing the Microsoft Performance Tools for Linux & Android