The great thing about Windows file versions is that there are so many to choose from!
For each file, you have
- Numeric product version
- Numeric file version
- String product version
- String file version
The numeric and string versions generally match, but there is no enforcement. Often the string version incorporates the numeric version but adds some additional information, like (alpha). Sometimes the string version disagrees with the numeric version. This can happen when MUI satellite DLLs enter the picture.
You can use PowerShell to obtain the version information for a file.
PS> (Get-Command C:\Path\To\Thing.dll).FileVersionInfo.FileVersion
The version number parts of the FileVersionInfo
Product Field | File Field | Meaning | Example |
ProductVersion | FileVersion | String version | (alpha) |
ProductMajorPart | FileMajorPart | First number | 3 |
ProductMinorPart | FileMinorPart | Second number | 1 |
ProductBuildPart | FileBuildPart | Third number | 0 |
ProductPrivatePart | FilePrivatePart | Fourth number | 2 |
Further reading: How to (correctly) check file versions with PowerShell.