When I pointed out a way to build URL query strings in the Windows Runtime, the customer reported that it didn’t work.
#include <winrt/Windows.Web.Http.h> void test() { auto encoder = HttpFormUrlEncodedContent({ { L"v", L"dQw4w9WgXcQ" }, { L"t", L"43s" }, }); }
This failed with the error
error C2440: '<function-style-cast>': cannot convert from 'initializer list' to 'winrt::Windows::Web::Http::HttpFormUrlEncodedContent' message : No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload resolution was ambiguous
Let’s start debugging.
If you do a “Go to definition” on the HttpÂFormÂUrlÂEncodedÂContent
in Visual Studio, you are taken to the class definition, which happens to be in the header file impl/
struct __declspec(empty_bases) HttpFormUrlEncodedContent : Windows::Web::Http::IHttpContent, impl::require<HttpFormUrlEncodedContent, Windows::Foundation::IStringable> { HttpFormUrlEncodedContent(std::nullptr_t) noexcept {} HttpFormUrlEncodedContent(void* ptr, take_ownership_from_abi_t) noexcept : Windows::Web::Http::IHttpContent(ptr, take_ownership_from_abi) {} explicit HttpFormUrlEncodedContent( param::iterable<Windows::Foundation::Collections:: IKeyValuePair<hstring, hstring>> const& content); };
Let’s look at these constructors one at a time.
First up is the nullptr
constructor for creating an empty HttpÂFormÂUrlÂEncodedÂContent
smart pointer.
Next is the take_
constructor for creating a HttpÂFormÂUrlÂEncodedÂContent
that takes over ownership of the object from a pointer obtained at the ABI layer. It is a two-parameter constructor and therefore would never be considered since we are calling the constructor with one parameter.
Last is the one we are trying to call: It takes a param::
of IKeyValuePair<hstring, hstring>
There are also two implicitly defined constructors: The copy and move constructor. Those candidates look like this:
HttpFormUrlEncodedContent(HttpFormUrlEncodedContent const&) = default; HttpFormUrlEncodedContent(HttpFormUrlEncodedContent &&) = default;
Okay, so we have four candidates that survived the arity check.
constructor.- copy constructor.
- move constructor.
The error messages says that the compiler could not find a suitable constructor, so we have to think about why the param::iterable
constructor wasn’t chosen. We expect it to be chosen because param::iterable
has a conversion constructor that takes an initializer_
. Why isn’t that conversion being used?
I could not reproduce the error in my test project, so I asked the customer to send me theirs. I ran the file through the preprocessor so I could see exactly what the compiler saw, thinking that maybe the customer had some #ifdef
or other weird configuration.
I searched the preprocessed file for the param::iterable
And it wasn’t there!
The preprocessed file had a forward declaration for param::iterable
, but no definition. That explains why the compiler couldn’t convert the initializer_
to a param::iterable
: Because the conversion constructor hadn’t yet been declared!
The param::iterable
template class is defined in the header file winrt/Windows.Foundation.Collections.h
, following the C++/WinRT rule that you must explicitly include the header files for any namespaces you use. We are using the Windows::
namespace because that’s where the IIterable
class resides, and that is the projected type of the parameter that the HttpÂFormÂUrlÂEncodedÂContent
constructor accepts.
This question started out as a “C++/WinRT problem” (which is how I got roped into it), but all of the debugging just treated it as a “C++ problem”: It turns out that if there’s a particular constructor you want to use, you should make sure the parameter types are defined.