March 6th, 2025

How can I choose a different C++ constructor at runtime?

Suppose you have a class with two constructors.

struct WidgetBase
    // local mode

    // remote mode
    WidgetBase(std::string const& server);

    // The mutex makes this non-copyable, non-movable
    std::mutex m_mutex;

struct WidgetOptions
    ⟦ random stuff ⟧

struct Widget : WidgetBase
    Widget(WidgetOptions const& options) :
        // This doesn't work                
            ? WidgetBase()                  
            : WidgetBase(GetServer(options))

    static bool CanBeLocal(WidgetOptions const&);
    static std::string GetServer(WidgetOptions const&);

We want to use the base class’s local constructor if the options are compatible with a local Widget. Otherwise, we have to create a remote Widget. But you can’t choose a base class constructor at runtime. Your constructor has to call the base class constructor somehow, and by that point the decision has already been made.

You might try using the ternary operator.

    Widget(WidgetOptions const& options) :
                ? WidgetBase()                  
                : WidgetBase(GetServer(options)))

But this doesn’t work because it invokes the copy and/or move constructor: The ternary operator produces a WidgetBase by one means or another, and then we have to copy/move the temporary into the base class WidgetBase object.

The secret, once again, is to take advantage of copy elision.

struct Widget : WidgetBase
    Widget(WidgetOptions const& options) :

    static bool CanBeLocal(WidgetOptions const&);
    static std::string GetServer(WidgetOptions const&);

    static WidgetBase ChooseWidgetBase(           
        WidgetOptions const& options)             
        if (CanBeLocal(options)) {                
            return WidgetBase();                  
        } else {                                  
            return WidgetBase(GetServer(options));

This looks the same as the ternary, just moved out of line, but it’s subtly different.

The difference is that all of the return statements use one of the magic copy elision forms: return WidgetBase(⟦...⟧). This allows the compiler to construct the Widget­Base object directly into the return value, and when called from the Widget constructor, the return value is the WidgetBase base class object.

If you like throwing everything inline, you can use a lambda to put the helper directly into the base class constructor arguments.

    Widget(WidgetOptions const& options) :
        WidgetBase([&] {                              
            if (CanBeLocal(options)) {                
                return WidgetBase();                  
            } else {                                  
                return WidgetBase(GetServer(options));

Bonus chatter: The problem with the ternary is that the ternary expression is not a copy elision candidate. The rule for ternary expressions is that the result is initialized from the branch of the ternary that is selected. The value from the branch is copied/moved into the expression result, and it is the result that is constructed in place.



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


  • Matt McCutchen 2 days ago · Edited

    So as far as knows, it's constructing a standalone object, but really it's constructing the sub-object of a in place. That's wild. I'm curious if there are cases in which this abstraction leaks or fails altogether. If the constructor calls a virtual method, it will use the vtable, but that's consistent with the normal C++ rule for vtables of sub-objects during construction. If has a virtual base, the optimization can't work in general because the sub-object might have a different layout from the standalone object; there's some further discussion...

    Read more
    • GL 1 day ago

      In LLVM bug 34516, according to Richard Smith, this is a bug in standard wording and "guaranteed copy elision" cannot be applied to base subobjects because of layout difference. So your concern of virtual base is very valid.

      I think (1) either the current standard truly wants to require guaranteed copy elision for base subobjects, in which case any function returning a class object with a virtual base must know whether it's returning a most derived object or a base subobject (e.g., with a hidden flag or smuggling some information into the target storage pointer), (2) or guaranteed copy elision is...

      Read more
  • Ivan Kljajic 2 days ago

    Unrealted maybe, but would letting a little bit of proposed syntactic sugar, like a pretty cast to void around the ternary, be enough to prevent a copy from being generated?
    That way one could just say “x() if cond else y()” without a discard being generated.

  • 許恩嘉

    So why doesn’t the standard allow copy elision for the ternary operator?

    One possibility that comes to my mind is that the result of the ternary operator may be used as an lvalue.

    (a==b ? c : d) = 42;