February 3rd, 2025

On trying to log an exception as it leaves your scope

A customer wanted to log exceptions that emerged from a function, so they used the WIL scope_exit object to specify a block of code to run during exception unwinding.

void DoSomething()
    auto logException = wil::scope_exit([&] {
        Log("DoSomething failed",

    ⟦ do stuff that might throw exceptions ⟧

    // made it to the end - cancel the logging

They found, however, that instead of logging the exception, the code in the scope_exit was crashing.

They debugged into the Result­From­Caught­Exception function, which eventually reaches something like this:

catch (⟦ blah blah ⟧)
    ⟦ blah blah ⟧
catch (⟦ blah blah ⟧)
    ⟦ blah blah ⟧
catch (...)
    ⟦ blah blah ⟧

The idea is that the code rethrows the exception, then tries to catch it in various ways, and when it is successful, it uses the caught object to calculate a result code.

And that’s where the problem lies.

It’s sort of implied by the name Result­From­Caught­Exception that it tries to calculate a result from an exception that was caught. But the scope_exit functor is called during unwinding that results from an uncaught exception.

There is no caught exception to get a result from!

The C++ language says that a rethrowing throw rethrows the exception that is being handled, where “being handled” roughly means “is executing the body of its catch clause”. If you try a rethrowing throw when there is no exception being handled, then it’s straight to jail. (Formally, std::terminate.)

The solution, then, is to put the Result­From­Caught­Exception somewhere inside a catch block, like perhaps this:

void DoSomething()
    try {
        ⟦ do stuff that might throw exceptions ⟧
    } catch (...) {
        Log("DoSomething failed",

After logging the exception, we rethrow it so that the search for a handler can continue.

Bonus chatter: You can avoid a layer of indentation by using function-try.

void DoSomething() try
    ⟦ do stuff that might throw exceptions ⟧
} catch (...) {                           
    Log("DoSomething failed",             


Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


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  • Patrick Johnston

    The job of a dtor is to clean up resources, I don’t think it’s surprising that it fails at the job of modifying some in flight variable that has nothing to do with the object being destroyed

  • LB

    Ouch, so I guess C++ doesn’t have any way to let destructors attach info to an in-flight exception, you always have to wrap code in a try block outside the destructor? I actually didn’t know that, how unfortunate. I suppose the next best thing is wrapping everything in a lambda that is called by a helper function that wraps the lambda call in a try block so it can attach info in one or more of the catch clauses or rethrow it as a nested exception.