January 10th, 2025

Why does inadvertently passing a std::string instead of a char const* to a variadic function crash on x86-32 but not x86-64?

A customer tracked down a crash to inadvertently passing a std::string instead of a char const* to a variadic function.

extern void Log(const char* format, ...);

std::string name("apple");

Log("%z: %d", name, 42); 
// oops, should be Log("%z: %d", name.c_str(), 42);

The Log function takes a format string similar to printf, but with slightly different insertions. In this case, it uses %z to represent a null-terminated string. (Other formats include %v for std::string_view.)

As noted in the comment, the name parameter should have been passed as name.c_str() so that a const char* is passed, which is what %z expects.

The customer found something unusual in the failure profile: Only the x86-32 systems were crashing. The x86-64 systems were working fine. What’s going on?

The C++ language specifies that implementations are permitted but not required to support passing class types to satisfy a classic C-style ... argument.¹ The clang and gcc compilers do not allow it, but msvc does. What is it about x86-32 that makes the code crash, and what is it about x86-64 that makes it work?

The calling convention for x86-32 passes parameters on the stack by value, so there is a std::string on the stack after the format string. On the other hand, the calling convention for x86-64 passes large structures by address. The 64-bit std::string is 32 bytes in msvc, so it will be passed by address.

The other piece of information you need to know to understand what’s going on is the internal layout of a std::string in msvc, which we studied some time ago.

Now let’s put things together.

In the case above, the string "apple" fits inside the 16-character short string buffer, so in the 32-bit case, the values on the stack are the characters of the string, followed by the size and capacity.

std::string   capacity
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
e \0 ? ?
a p p l
    pointer → "%z: %d"

Now we can see why the code crashes on x86-32: The Log function interprets the stack like this:

  ? ? ? ?
  ? ? ? ?
int e \0 ? ?
const char* a p p l
const char* pointer → "%z: %d"

The first four characters of the string are misinterpreted as a pointer, resulting in an invalid pointer that crashes when the Log function tries to treat it as a pointer to a string. (It crashes before getting around to the garbage integer parameter coming next.)

On the other hand, on x86-64, the std::string is passed by address, so you get this:

std::string   capacity
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
a p p l e \0 ? ?
    (home space 3) r9 = ?
    (home space 2) r8 = 42
    (home space 1) rdx → std::string on stack
    (home space 0) rcx → "%z: %d"

In the x86-64 case, the value in rdx is treated as a pointer to a null-terminated string, and how about that, it is! It points to the "apple" stored in the short string buffer. Next is the value in r8, which is treated as the integer parameter, and that’s what it is too!

So that’s why the problem doesn’t appear on x86-64: The short string optimization, the policy of passing large structures by address, and the specific layout of a std::string in msvc collectively mean that a pointer to a short std::string also works as a pointer to a null-terminated string because the null-terminated string is at the start of the std::string.

The customer explained that in all the cases they know about, the name is a relatively short string, just 5 to 10 characters. This means that it will always fit in the short string buffer, and the above diagrams will apply.

But what if the name doesn’t fit in the short string buffer?

In the x86-32 case, we get this:

std::string   capacity
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
pointer → "relatively long name"
    pointer → "%z: %d"

If we relabel the parameters by how the Log function sees them:

  ? ? ? ?
  ? ? ? ?
int ? ? ? ?
const char* pointer → "relatively long name"
const char* pointer → "%z: %d"

This time, the Log function reads the first four bytes of the std::string, and they are a pointer to the string data, so the string gets logged succssfully. However, the integer value is not the expected value of 42, but rather four garbage bytes from the unused portion of the small string buffer inside the std::string.

If you have a large string on x86-64, you get this:

std::string   capacity
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
pointer → "relatively long name"
    (home space 3) r9 = ?
    (home space 2) r8 = 42
    (home space 1) rdx → std::string on stack
    (home space 0) rcx → "%z: %d"

This time, the Log function interprets rdx as a pointer to a null-terminated string, and it ends up interpreting the bytes of the pointer at the start of the std::string as characters to be logged, so you will get garbage. If you assume that even a long name won’t be 4 billion characters long, then you know that the garbage will find a null byte within 20 characters, because it’ll eventually run into the zeroes that form the most significant bytes of the size. The integer value in r8 is interpreted as intended.

Okay, so here’s what we have:

  x86-32 x86-64
Short name (crash) "name: value"
Long name "name: garbage" "garbage: value"

The customer used these results to prioritize how urgently a fix is needed for the two platforms. They decided that the x86-32 version required an immediate fix, but the x86-64 version could wait, since the only consequence is garbage in a log file. They’ll just make a note in their debugging documents that the name in the 64-bit log file is not trustworthy for this particular version of their program.

¹ Not to be confused with a C++-style template parameter pack.



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


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  • BCS

    Doesn’t the long name case on x86-64 disclose something about the memory layout? Not a security issue on its own, but I could see that being a link in a chain for something that would be a problem.

    • Solomon Ucko

      Yeah. If the output of this is visible to an attacker, I think it would constitute a heap address leak, which as you said, wouldn’t be a vulnerability per se but could be convenient for the attacker to make use of once they get some kind of read or write primitive. It’s like finding a landmark to help you anchor your map to buried treasure or something, but you still need a way to get to the location of the treasure and dig it out.