Last time, we wondered whether the ERROR_
error code could be the result of the user logging off while a program was running. I noted that this is primarily an issue for services, though you can force it to happen for regular user-session applications.
It involves taking advantage of the RegOverridePredefKey
which lets you redirect the registry operations performed by the current program to another registry key. The intention of this function was to allow you to override a registry root key like HKEY_
so you can capture the registry keys written by an installer. But we’re going to use it to force an ERROR_
error from code that tries to open HKEY_
Note that this is just a parlor trick! There is no practical use for this demonstration.
#include <windows.h> #include <wil/resource.h> #include <wil/result_macros.h> int main(int, char**) { wil::unique_hkey originalSoftware; FAIL_FAST_IF_WIN32_ERROR(RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software", 0, KEY_READ, &originalSoftware)); wil::unique_hkey originalContoso; DWORD disposition; FAIL_FAST_IF_WIN32_ERROR(RegCreateKeyExW(originalSoftware.get(), L"Contoso", 0, nullptr, REG_OPTION_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, nullptr, &originalContoso, &disposition)); if (disposition != REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY) { printf("Unexpected HKCU\\Software\\Contoso key\n"); return 0; } FAIL_FAST_IF_WIN32_ERROR(RegOverridePredefKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, originalContoso.get())); FAIL_FAST_IF_WIN32_ERROR( RegDeleteKeyW(originalSoftware.get(), L"Contoso")); wil::unique_hkey key; LSTATUS error = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software", 0, KEY_READ, &key); if (error == ERROR_KEY_DELETED) { printf("It happened!\n"); } else { printf("It didn't happen.\n"); } return 0; }
First, we create a key to the original HKEY_
, and then create a Contoso
subkey under it. If there was already a Contoso
subkey, then we bail out because our trick won’t work. (We’ll have to pick another key to use as our sacrificial lamb.)
After creating the Contoso
subkey, we pass it to RegOverridePredefKey
to make it the new HKEY_
. Any future references to HKEY_
will use our originalContoso
key instead of the original HKEY_
. (Note that our original keys still refer to their original unredirected versions.)
Our final step for preparing the trick is deleting the Contoso
key from the original HKEY_
. Since we had redirected HKEY_
to refer to the original HKEY_
key, deleting that key means that HKEY_
is now a reference to a deleted key.
The next line of code is our victim. It tries to open HKEY_
, which is an attempt to reference a Software
subkey under the original now-deleted HKEY_
key. Since the key has been deleted, the error is ERROR_
I’m not saying this is what was causing the original code to get an ERROR_
error when trying to open HKEY_
. I’m just saying that this is one way it can happen, though it is extremely contrived.
CSS Developer support occasionally sees miscellaneous issues where an underlying registry call resulted in that ERROR_KEY_DELETED (0x800703FA), due to a race condition where processes run as a specific user can unload the user's registry hive while still being needed by a recently spawned process. The issue was documented years ago in this archived blog entry:
A COM+ application may stop working on Windows Server 2008 when the identity user logs off - Distributed Services Support Team - Site Home - MSDN Blogs (
And more recently also mentioned in this SharePoint troubleshooting article.
"800703fa Illegal operation...