The x86-32 architecture notoriously does not offer direct access to the instruction pointer, and a common trick is to use call
to read the instruction pointer.
; read current address into register call @F @@: pop eax ; eax = current address
And since x86-64 does not offer an absolute jump instruction, it is a common trick to use a push
as a substitute.
; jump to absolute address push 0x12345678 ret ; jump to 0x12345678
We learned a while back that these unmatched call
pairs unbalance the return address predictor¹ and end up being net pessimizations.
And we recently learned that they also unbalance the hardware shadow stack, and the consequences of that are even worse: Instead of merely damaging your performance, this code doesn’t run at all because it also unbalances the hardware shadow stack, and an improper return results in an exception.
In the case of Windows, the kernel receives the exception and checks whether the code performing the invalid ret
is marked as compatible with return address protection. If so, then any return address protection failure is considered fatal. If not, then the kernel tries to forgive the error by popping entries off the hardware shadow stack until it finds a return address that matches the one popped from the CPU stack. If no match is found, then the failure is treated as fatal.
If you do a push
, that return address you pushed is nowhere in the valid return address history, and the kernel will terminate the process.
If you do a call
, then you pushed an extra entry onto the shadow stack, and what happens next varies.
If your function ends with a ret
, then that ret
will be mismatched, and the kernel notices that it occurred inside a DLL that is marked as “not CET compatible”, so the kernel will shake its head, “oh man, here’s a weirdo”, and it will look up the stack and find the true return address one entry higher.
If your function ends with a tail call optimization that jumps to another function, then that other function’s ret
will be the one that takes the mismatch exception. If that other function is in a DLL that is marked as “CET compatible”, then the kernel will say, “That’s a paddlin’” and terminate the process.
So the push
pattern results in a guaranteed process termination, whereas the call
might result in a process termination depending on how lucky you feel.
(Not recommended.)
¹ It appears that this specific pattern of call
is special-cased inside modern processors and does not unbalance the return address predictor stack after all.
That at this particular moment in time this particular amount of stack is enough only when saving every few bytes every now and then literally means it won’t be enough after a slight change in code like another local variable or something.
For any sane size of stack it is either enough or something is really wrong with the algorithms.
Saving some stack might have noticeable net effect either for heavy recursion (which is not a good idea in most cases anyway) or for some very memory-limited use cases where using HLL is the wrong thing then.
That’s why I’ve always been surprised those modern compilers are so proud of their tail-call optimizations. Like come on, guys, return address predictor has been there for ages, what do you really gain outside synthetic tests and quite rare cases, except for the unnecessary complexity of your own compiler (and debugger?)? Why would you even call them ”optimizations”? Modern processors tend to optimize for regular, trick-free code (which is the obvious direction to go for any architecture anyway).
I’ve seen code that *literally wouldn’t work* if you took away the tail call optimization because it would blow through the stack. Kernel mode stack is pretty small because it can’t be paged.
Instead of push immed/ret we can do JMP immed; this requires a loader fixup.