The UserConsentVerifier
Windows Runtime class lets you display one of those authentication prompts to confirm the identity of the user. We discussed last time that this is a consent verifier, not a data protector.
The class was originally designed for UWP apps, but you can also use it from Win32 apps by using the IUserConsentVerifierInterop
interface. This follows the normal pattern for interop interfaces that correspond to static methods:¹
- Obtain the interface from the activation factory.
- The methods have the same names as the corresponding names of the static Windows Runtime methods, except that they also say
. - The methods take the same parameters as the static Windows Runtime methods, except that there is an extra
parameter, and the output is returned in the form of aREFIID
Let’s add a consent verifier to our scratch program.
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h> // for IAsyncOperation #include <winrt/Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.h> // for UserConsentVerifier #include <wrl/wrappers/corewrappers.h> // for HStringReference #include <UserConsentVerifierInterop.h> // for IUserConsentVerifierInterop namespace winrt { using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation; using namespace winrt::Windows::Security::Credentials::UI; } namespace WRL = Microsoft::WRL; winrt::fire_and_forget RequestConsent(HWND hwnd) { auto consentResult = co_await wil::capture_interop< winrt::IAsyncOperation< winrt::UserConsentVerificationResult>, winrt::UserConsentVerifier>( &::IUserConsentVerifierInterop:: RequestVerificationForWindowAsync, hwnd, WRL::Wrappers::HStringReference( L"Just checking that it's you.").Get()); PCWSTR message; switch (consentResult) { case winrt::UserConsentVerificationResult::Verified: message = L"User verified."; break; case winrt::UserConsentVerificationResult::DeviceBusy: message = L"Authentication device is busy."; break; case winrt::UserConsentVerificationResult::DeviceNotPresent: message = L"No authentication device found."; break; case winrt::UserConsentVerificationResult::DisabledByPolicy: message = L"Authentication device verification is disabled by policy."; break; case winrt::UserConsentVerificationResult::NotConfiguredForUser: message = L"Please go to Account Settings to set up PIN " L"or other advanced authentication."; break; case winrt::UserConsentVerificationResult::RetriesExhausted: message = L"There have been too many failed attempts. " L"Device authentication canceled."; break; case winrt::UserConsentVerificationResult::Canceled: message = L"Device authentication canceled."; break; default: message = L"Authentication device is currently unavailable."; break; } SetWindowText(hwnd, message); } void OnChar(HWND hwnd, TCHAR ch, int cRepeat) { if (ch == VK_SPACE) { RequestConsent(hwnd); } } HANDLE_MSG(hwnd, WM_CHAR, OnChar);
When you hit the space bar, we go into action. We take advantage of the capture_
helper function we added to the Windows Implementation Library some time ago as part of our initial exploration of C++/WinRT interop pattern.
Taking that helper apart, the first thing that happens is that we call get_
, asking for the IUserConsentVerifierInterop
interface of the UserConsentVerifier
auto interop = winrt::get_activation_factory< winrt::UserConsentVerifier>, ::IUserConsentVerifierInterop>();
At the ABI, this would be
::IUserConsentVerifierInterop* interop; hr = RoGetActivationFactory( HStringReference( RuntimeClass_Windows_Security_Credentials_UI_UserConsentVerifier) .Get(), IID_PPV_ARGS(&interop)); THROW_IF_FAILED(hr);
Next, we call IUserConsentVerifierInterop::
, which is the HWND
equivalent of UserConsentVerifier::
. We ask for the result in the form of a winrt::
so we can co_await
it. The capture_
function does it by calling winrt::
, which is a C++/WinRT helper function that calls a method and returns the produced object.
winrt::capture< winrt::IAsyncOperation< winrt::UserConsentVerificationResult>>( interop, &::IUserConsentVerifierInterop:: RequestVerificationForWindowAsync, hwnd, WRL::Wrappers::HStringReference( L"Just checking that it's you.").Get());
This is shorthand for
winrt::IAsyncOperation<winrt::UserConsentVerificationResult> result; winrt::check_hresult( interop->RequestVerificationForWindowAsync( hwnd, WRL::Wrappers::HStringReference( L"Just checking that it's you.").Get(), winrt::guid_of<decltype(result)>(), winrt::put_abi(result())));
The ABI equivalent is
ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation< ABI::Windows::Security::Credentials::UI::UserConsentVerificationResult>* result; hr = interop->RequestVerificationForWindowAsync( hwnd, WRL::Wrappers::HStringReference( L"Just checking that it's you.").Get(), IID_PPV_ARGS(&result));
Once we get our asynchronous operation, we await it and show the result in our title bar.
Oh my, this “line” leaves me very cold:
Admittedly I still code the MFC way, but this just seems like code that can only be written by looking up an example in the docs and Copy & Pasting.