August 9th, 2024

What does it even mean to Close a Windows Runtime asynchronous operation or action?

Windows Runtime asynchronous operations and actions support the Close method. What does that even mean?

There are at least five different implementations of Windows Runtime asynchronous operations and actions, and each one deals with the Close operation differently. Let’s look at the different implementations and see if we can infer the principle that guides the Close method.

C++/WinRT’s asynchronous operations and actions have a very simple implementation of Close: It does nothing! It doesn’t even check whether you called it before the asynchronous operation or action has completed.

Okay, so we didn’t learn much from that.

Next up is an internal implementation used by many Windows components, which builds on top of WRL’s AsyncBase. The Close method discards the result of IAsync­Operation if the result is a reference type or a string. If you Close one of those guys, then the Get­Results() may return an empty result instead of the actual result.

Okay, so one thing we learned is that once you call Close, you can’t call Get­Results() and get reliable results.

Furthermore, the implementation of AsyncBase throws an “illegal state change” exception if you try to Close the asynchronous operation or action before it has completed. And any method calls or property accesses after you Close throw an “illegal method call” exception. So those are some other rules we can remember.

Another implementation ships with Win2D. This is also built on top of WRL’s AsyncBase. The Win2D version supports only reference types, and the Close method frees the completion result. So its behavior is a subset of the Windows internal implementation. We didn’t learn anything new here.

A fourth implementation can be found in the Parallel Patterns Library (PPL). In this implementation, the Close method throws an “illegal state change” exception if the asynchronous action or operation has not yet completed. Assuming that the operation has completed, the Close method delegates to the virtual _OnClose method, but the default implementation of _OnClose does nothing. After the asynchronous operation or action has been closed, you cannot ask for its Id, ErrorCode, Status, or Progress handler, you cannot set the Completed or Progress handler, nor can you call GetResults(). (Though it lets you read the Completed and Progress properties.)

The fifth implementation is in the Windows­Runtime­System­Extensions extension class. I don’t have the source code, but I was able to reverse-engineer it with the help of ILSpy. In this implementation, calling Close before the asynchronous operation or action has completed throws an exception. If you call it after the completion, then the completion results are freed, as well as the completion handler, the progress handler (if applicable), and any supporting data structures for those things. And after you close the asynchronous operation or action, all future method calls or member accesses throw an exception.

Okay, so combining all of these observations allows us to infer the rules for closing asynchronous operations and actions:

  • You may not call Close until the operation or action has completed.
  • If you call Close, then the operation is permitted (but not required) to release any resources associated with the operation or action.
  • Once you have Closed the operation or action, no method calls or member accesses are permitted.

This seems be a reasonable set of rules, and I don’t see any real opportunities for it to become any stricter, so I think we’ve found it.



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


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  • 紅樓鍮

    So is just like the methods you find on sockets, connections, etc (which C++ and Rust call the destructor), but with the additional restriction that it's illegal to call it while the async is in flight? In Rust you can just drop a before it completes, and it will automatically cancel the async operation, and that seems like a reasonable way you can support calling on an in-progress async in any...

    Read more
    • GL

      Automatic cancellation sounds like an invitation to Heisenbugs (races between cancellation upon destruction and completion). It also reminds me of non-detached non-joined std::thread calling std::terminate upon destruction, which makes it much easier to write sane code.