The dangers of releasing the last strong reference from within its own callback

Raymond Chen

A common callback pattern is that unregistering a callback will wait until any outstanding callbacks have completed. This avoids the problem of freeing the data out from under a running callback.

Thread 1 Thread 2
RegisterCallback(callback, this);  
  callback begins
Destructor begins â‹® do stuff with this
UnregisterCallback(callback) â‹® do stuff with this
Destructor completes â‹® do stuff with this
  ⋮ do stuff with this
  callback returns

In the above example, the Unregister­Callback doesn’t wait for the outstanding callback to complete, and as a result, the object is destructed while there is code still using it.

Forcing Unregister­Callback to wait for outstanding callbacks to complete avoids this problem:

Thread 1 Thread 2
RegisterCallback(callback, this);  
  callback begins
Destructor begins â‹® do stuff with this
UnregisterCallback(callback) â‹® do stuff with this
â‹® waiting for callback to finish â‹® do stuff with this
â‹® waiting for callback to finish â‹® do stuff with this
â‹® waiting for callback to finish callback returns
UnregisterCallback(callback) returns  
Destructor completes  

This pattern avoids a use-after-free problem, but it creates a new one: Deadlock.

If your callback takes a strong reference to the containing object, then when that strong reference is destructed at the end of the callback, that may end up destructing the last strong pointer to the object, causing the object itself to destruct from inside the callback. That destructor will wait for the callback to complete, and we have deadlocked.

Thread 1 Thread 2 Reference count
â‹®RegisterCallback(callback, this);   1
Retain strong reference   1
  callback begins  
  ⋮ create strong reference to self 2
  ⋮ do stuff with this  
Release strong reference â‹® do stuff with this 1
  ⋮ do stuff with this  
  ⋮ do stuff with this  
  ⋮ destruct local strong reference 0
  ⋮⋮Destructor runs  
  ⋮⋮UnregisterCallback(callback) hangs  

The call to UnregisterCallback hangs because it is waiting for the callback to complete, but the callback is itself waiting for the destructor to finish, and the destructor is stuck in the UnregisterCallback.

For thread pool callbacks, we could use Disassociate­Current­Thread­From­Callback to break the deadlock. But other types of callbacks may not have a way to say, “Act as if I returned (even though I haven’t yet).”

One solution is to forbid taking a strong reference to the containing object from the callback.

void MyObject::callback(CallbackData* data, void* context)
    auto self = reinterpret_cast<MyObject*>(context);

    // Calling self->get_strong() or self->shared_from_this()
    // is forbidden! Or in fact anything else that might result in
    // a strong reference to MyObject.
    // Also, cannot access any members that are initialized after
    // the RegisterCallback call or cleaned up before the
    // UnregisterCallback call.

    ⟦ do stuff with "self" ⟧

In addition to forbidding strong references, we must also make sure not to access any members which are initialized in the constructor after the call to Register­Callback or cleaned up in the destructor prior to the Unregister­Callback call. In the common case that the callback is managed by an RAII type, this means that you cannot access any members which are declared after the RAII type or manually initialized in the constructor body; nor can you access any members which are cleaned up explicitly in the destructor, or declared after the RAII type. (The “declared after the RAII type” restriction comes from the rule that C++ members are initialized in order of declaration in the class definition, and destructed in reverse order.)

For example, suppose callback_holder is an RAII type that calls Unregister­Callback at destruction.

struct MyObject 
    std::string m_value1;
    Widget m_widget;
    callback_holder m_callback(&MyObject::callback, this);
    std::string m_value2;



    static void callback(CallbackData* data, void* context);

Given the above class, the callback cannot access m_value2, since it is constructed after m_callback and destructed before it. It also has to be prepared for running before m_widget has been primed or running after m_widget has been disabled.

The fact that the callback is still potentially active before the constructor finishes and after the destructor starts means that the usual rule of thumb that “there won’t be any conflicting threads during construction or destruction” does not apply, since there may be an active callback that is racing the constructor or destructor.

You can simplify the rules by explicitly registering the callback at the end of the constructor and unregistering it at the start of the destructor:

        // Do this last: Don't register for callbacks  
        // until all members are ready.                
        m_callback.register(&MyObject::callback, this);

        // Do this first: Ensure all outstanding
        // callbacks have completed.            

Now, that’s a lot of rules to remember in the callback. Furthermore, enforcing these rules may be difficult if the “do stuff with self” is complex and calls other methods: Those other methods now need to know the rules about forbidden strong references and unsafe member variables, and these are the sorts of rules that are easy to break by accident and hard to detect via static analysis.

Another option is to queue further work and return from the callback immediately. Give that future work a weak reference, with the promise not to resolve the weak reference to a strong reference until after you have arrived on the other thread.

void MyObject::Callback(CallbackData* data, void* context)
    auto self = reinterpret_cast<MyObject*>(context);

    [](auto weak, auto important) -> fire_and_forget {
        co_await resume_background();
        if (auto strong = weak.get()) {
            ⟦ do stuff with "strong" ⟧
    }(get_weak(), data->important);

The data we carry to the background thread are a weak reference to ourselves, as well as any event payload that we need. (We probably can’t capture the raw pointer data since that would result in using the data pointer after the callback returns.) Only after safely arriving on the background thread do we try to promote the weak reference to a strong reference, and we bail out if the object has already begun destruction.

Another solution is to break the deadlock by forcing the destructor to run outside of the callback: In C++/WinRT, you can declare your class with a final_release and move the destruction to another thread.

struct MyObject : implements<MyObject, IInspectable>
    static fire_and_forget final_release(std::unique_ptr<MyObject> ptr)
        // Queue continuation on a background thread
        co_await resume_background();

        // allow ptr to destruct on a background thread

This is probably the simplest solution, assuming you have it available as an option, since it allows the rest of the class to write code “naturally” and not have to worry about all the weird rules.


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  • Ian Boyd 0

    It’s interesting (to me) that we still have to solve these problem with multi-threaded programming.

    Any time you add a thread everything in your life gets harder. And everyone has to re-invent the solution every time they try to do it.

    And so many solutions look ok, but will have subtle bugs.

    And after 30 years of multi-threaded programming, we still haven’t been able to solve it.

    • Sigge Mannen 0

      Agreed, but it seems the problem is especially hard in c++. I mostly do horror java, and there thread programming is usually real smooth sailing. The worst thing that happens is if you sometimes manipulate UI on wrong thread but even then things work out after a while.

      While this stuff is bad in c++, the whole apartment threading thing is even worse, i understand they probably had to solve a lot of hard problems, but not being to use Free Threaded Objects ™ everywhere is horrible.

  • Neil Rashbrook 0

    Normally if you’re invoking a function on an object you’re expected to have a strong reference to that object, but given that there’s a function to wait for callbacks to finish, they apparently aren’t required to have a strong reference, so I wonder why callbacks are an exception.

  • Mike McCarty 0

    Seems to me the best answer is if `RegisterCallback()` takes a `weak_ptr` argument rather than a raw pointer. Then your “create strong reference to self” in the callback function would create an actual strong reference via `weak_ptr.lock()` which can only succeed if the destruction sequence for the object has not been initiated. Direct, fairly efficient, and basically foolproof — even novices are likely to get it right. Of course, this all assumes you are in a position to change the entire callback API in the first place.

    It’s too bad we have to resort to reference counting to resolve annoying issues such as this but short of AGC there’s not much that can be done about it.

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