May 10th, 2023

What are the duck-typing requirements of ATL CComPtr?

We continue our survey of duck-typing requirements of various C++ COM smart pointer libraries by looking at ATL’s CComPtr, running it through our standard tests.

// Dummy implementations of AddRef and Release for
// testing purposes only. In real code, they would
// manage the object reference count.
struct Test
    void AddRef() {}
    void Release() {}
    Test* AddressOf() { return this; }

struct Other
    void AddRef() {}
    void Release() {}

// Pull in the smart pointer library
// (this changes based on library)
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlcom.h> 
using TestPtr = CComPtr<Test>;  
using OtherPtr = CComPtr<Other>;

void test()
    Test test;

    // Default construction
    TestPtr ptr;

    // Construction from raw pointer
    TestPtr ptr2(&test);

    // Copy construction
    TestPtr ptr3(ptr2);

    // Attaching and detaching
    auto p = ptr3.Detach();

    // Assignment from same-type raw pointer
    ptr3 = &test;

    // Assignment from same-type smart pointer
    ptr3 = ptr;

    // Accessing the wrapped object
    // (this changes based on library)
    if (ptr.p != &test) {
        std::terminate(); // oops
    if (ptr->AddressOf() != &test) {
        std::terminate(); // oops

    // Returning to empty state
    ptr3 = nullptr;

    // Receiving a new pointer
    // (this changes based on library)
    Test** out = &ptr3;
    out = &ptr3.p;

    // Bonus: Comparison.
    if (ptr == ptr2) {}
    if (ptr != ptr2) {}
    if (ptr < ptr2) {}

    // Litmus test: Accidentally bypassing the wrapper

    // Litmus test: Construction from other-type raw pointer
    Other other;
    TestPtr ptr4(&other);

    // Litmus test: Construction from other-type smart pointer
    OtherPtr optr;
    TestPtr ptr5(optr);

    // Litmus test: Assignment from other-type raw pointer
    ptr = &other;

    // Litmus test: Assignment from other-type smart pointer
    ptr = optr;

    // Destruction

A glitch in the core functionality tests happens when we call ptr3.Attach(p):

atlcomcli.h(250,1): error C2440: 'initializing': cannot convert from 'void' to 'ULONG'

The problem is here:

    // Attach to an existing interface (does not AddRef)
    void Attach(_In_opt_ T* p2) throw()
        if (p)
            ULONG ref = p->Release();
            // Attaching to the same object only works if duplicate
            // references are being coalesced.  Otherwise
            // re-attaching will cause the pointer to be released and
            // may cause a crash on a subsequent dereference.
            ATLASSERT(ref != 0 || p2 != p);
        p = p2;

ATL expects the Release method to return a ULONG representing the new reference count. So let’s fix our class to do that.

struct Test
    void AddRef() { }
    // Dummy implementation for testing purposes only.
    ULONG Release() { return 1; }

Okay, that gets us past the Attach/Detach test.

There are two ways to receive a new pointer. You can use the & operator directly on the CComPtr, which asserts that the smart pointer is already empty. If the pointer is an in/out parameter, then you can take the address of the public p member directly, which avoids the assertion check. There is no combined method for “release previous pointer before receiving a new one”.

The comparison tests work as expected. They just compare the wrapped pointers.

The accidental bypass litmus test and the test for accessing the wrapped object via the -> operator are interesting because CComPtr uses a techique that author Jim Springfield called “coloring”:

template <class T>
class _NoAddRefReleaseOnCComPtr :
    public T
        STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)()=0;
        STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)()=0;

template <class T>
class CComPtrBase

    _NoAddRefReleaseOnCComPtr<T>* operator->() const throw()
        return (_NoAddRefReleaseOnCComPtr<T>*)p;


The trick here is that instead of returning the wrapped T* directly, we pretend that it is a pointer to the T portion of a _NoAddRefReleaseOnCComPtr<T>, and return a pointer to that derived class. The _NoAddRefReleaseOnCComPtr<T> class declares the AddRef and Release as private, thereby making them inaccessible from the resulting -> operator:

ptr->Release(); // error: Cannot call private method¹

In the case where T derives from IUnknown, these virtual AddRef and Release methods override the same-signature methods in IUnknown. But in the case where T does not derive from IUnknown, this adds a vtable to _NoAddRefReleaseOnCComPtr. Now, this vtable is never materialized, but it nevertheless introduces some pointer arithmetic that the compiler cannot immediately optimize away, because a static_cast is not always just a pointer adjustment.

; ideally
    lea     rax, [rcx-8]

; actually
    lea     rdx, [rcx-8]
    neg     rcx
    sbb     rax, rax
    and     rax, rdx

The extra nonsense is there so that the cast from (T*) to (_NoAddRefReleaseOnCComPtr<T>*) produces nullptr when passed nullptr. (The “ideal” version would return -8.)

I call this a missed optimization because when the compiler inlines the -> operator, it can see that the resulting pointer is immediately dereferenced, so it cannot be null. Furthermore, the +8 that comes afterward to convert the (_NoAddRefReleaseOnCComPtr<T>*) back to a (T*) exactly cancels out the -8, so all the pointer nonsense can be optimized out entirely. Bonusly furthermore, this can never be nullptr; invoking a method on a null pointer is undefined behavior.

    ; ptr2->AddressOf()
    ; ideally

    mov     rcx, [ptr2].p
    call    Test::AddressOf

    ; actually
    mov     rcx, [ptr2].p
    mov     eax, 8
    test    rcx, rcx
    cmove   rcx, rax
    call    Test::AddressOf

All of these problems could have been avoided if _NoAddRefReleaseOnCComPtr had declared the private AddRef and Release as non-virtual.

template <class T>
class _NoAddRefReleaseOnCComPtr :
    public T
        ULONG AddRef();
        ULONG Release();

This still accomplishes the task of making the AddRef and Release methods inaccessible, but it doesn’t introduce a vtable, which means that the static_cast operations do not result in any code generation.

But it’s too late to fix that now. That would be a binary breaking change.

Other consequences of “coloring” are that the wrapped class T cannot be final, and if the T::AddRef and T::Release methods are virtual, they must return ULONG and use STDMETHODCALLTYPE.

The CComPtr passes the other litmus tests: Most of the operations generate an error complaining that the types do not match. The interesting one is the last one, the assignment of an other-type smart pointer.

    template <typename Q>
    T* operator=(_Inout_ const CComPtr<Q>& lp) throw()
        if(!this->IsEqualObject(lp) )
            AtlComQIPtrAssign2((IUnknown**)&this->p, lp, __uuidof(T));
        return *this;

This one fails because the code uses CComPtrBase::IsEqualObject, which in turn does not compile due to lack of Query­Interface support. Which is a good thing, because there is a C-style cast to IUnknown** in the call to AtlComQIPtrAssign2, which requires that our underlying type T derive from IUnknown.

Okay, so here’s the scorecard for CComPtr.

CComPtr scorecard
Default construction Pass
Construct from raw pointer Pass
Copy construction Pass
Destruction Pass
Attach and detach Pass
Assign to same-type raw pointer Pass
Assign to same-type smart pointer Pass
Fetch the wrapped pointer p, or implicit conversion
Access the wrapped object -> (suboptimal)
Receive pointer via & must be empty
Release and receive pointer &
Preserve and receive pointer &p
Return to empty state Pass
Comparison Pass
Accidental bypass Pass
Construct from other-type raw pointer Pass
Construct from other-type smart pointer Pass
Assign from other-type raw pointer Pass
Assign from other-type smart pointer Pass
T may not be final.
T must have a method of the form ULONG Release().
The T::Release method must return nonzero if the object is still alive.

Netx time, we’ll look at WRL’s ComPtr.

¹ Though you can hack around this by forcing a call to the base class version, or just using the raw wrapped pointer.

// sneaky! ducking under the ribbon!

The purpose of the “coloring” is not be be bulletproof. It’s just to prevent you from calling AddRef and Release by mistake.



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.

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  • Neil Rashbrook

    The only similar accidental bypass prevention I know of originally used non-virtual methods but then switched to using `using` to make `AddRef` and `Release` private. (But it got removed because it was causing more problems that it was preventing.)