Last time, we converted a WIC bitmap to a Windows Runtime SoftwareBitmap by encoding the WIC bitmap to a stream, then decoding it back into a SoftwareBitmap. But you don’t have to pass the pixels through a stream. The SoftwareBitmap
lets you pass the pixels directly in the form of an IBuffer
winrt::SoftwareBitmap ToSoftwareBitmap(IWICBitmapSource* wicBitmap) { // Look up the Windows Runtime pixel format and alpha mode. WICPixelFormatGUID format; winrt::check_hresult(wicBitmap->GetPixelFormat(&format)); static struct Mapping { WICPixelFormatGUID const& format; int bytesPerPixel; winrt::BitmapPixelFormat pixelFormat; winrt::BitmapAlphaMode alphaMode; } const mappings[] = { { GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppPRGBA, 4, winrt::BitmapPixelFormat::Rgba8, winrt::BitmapAlphaMode::Premultiplied }, { ... etc ... }, }; auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(mappings), std::end(mappings), [&](auto&& mapping) { return mapping.format == format; }); if (it == std::end(mappings)) { throw winrt::hresult_error( WINCODEC_ERR_UNSUPPORTEDPIXELFORMAT); } // Create a buffer that can hold the pixels. UINT width, height; winrt::check_hresult(wicBitmap->GetSize(&width, &height)); // Avoid zero-sized or oversized bitmaps (integer overflow) if (width == 0 || height == 0 || width > ~0U / it->bytesPerPixel / height) { throw winrt::hresult_error( WINCODEC_ERR_IMAGESIZEOUTOFRANGE); } auto size = width * height * it->bytesPerPixel; winrt::Buffer buffer(size); buffer.Length(size); // Copy the pixels into the buffer. winrt::check_hresult(wicBitmap->CopyPixels( nullptr, width * it->bytesPerPixel, size,; winrt::SoftwareBitmap softwareBitmap(it->pixelFormat, width, height, it->alphaMode); // Create a SoftwareBitmap from the buffer. return winrt::SoftwareBitmap::CreateCopyFromBuffer( buffer, pixelFormat, width, height, alphaMode); }
We no longer use the Windows Runtime BitmapDecoder
, which means that we can do all of our work synchronously and return a SoftwareÂBitmap
The idea here is that we peek at the IWICBitmap
to see what its pixel format is, copy the pixels to a buffer, and then create a SoftwareÂBitmap
of a matching format from that buffer. Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be an easy way to convert between WIC pixel formats and Windows Runtime pixel formats, so we had to create a huge lookup table.
If you would rather force the SoftwareÂBitmap
into a specific pixel format, then you can get rid of the format-sniffing code and instead use WICConvertÂBitmapÂSource
to convert the wicBitmap
to a matching source, and then just hard-code all the pixel format nonsense.
It turns out that even this is working too hard. The pixels for the bitmap get copied twice: Once from the wicBitmap
to the buffer, and then again from the buffer to the final SoftwareÂBitmap
. Next time, we’ll reduce it to just one copy.