March 17th, 2023

Exploiting C++/WinRT CRTP: Property and event declarations

In C++/WinRT, properties are represented by method calls. Given this Windows Runtime class definition:

namespace MyNamespace
    runtimeclass Widget
        Double Height;

you can access the property like so:

Widget w;

// 0 parameters = get value
auto height = w.Height();

// 1 parameter = set value

If you implement this class in C++/WinRT, the auto-generated header files use the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (commonly known as CRTP) and expect your implementation class to follow the same pattern:

namespace winrt::MyNamespace::implementation
    struct Widget : WidgetT<Widget>
        double m_height;
        auto Height() const { return m_height; }
        void Height(double const& height) { m_height = height; }

If you have a lot of properties, writing these accessor methods can be quite tedious and therefore error-prone.

But we can exploit CRTP to make it easier.

You see, the CRTP wrappers don’t actually require Height() to be a method. It just requires that Height() be an expression that represents the property value. Similarly, Height(newValue) just needs to be an expression whose side effect is changing the property value.

// This code is autogenerated by C++/WinRT

int32_t get_Height(double* value) noexcept final try
    typename D::abi_guard guard(this->shim());
    *value = detach_from<double>(this->shim().Height());
    return 0;
catch (...) { return to_hresult(); }

int32_t put_Height(double value) noexcept final try
    typename D::abi_guard guard(this->shim());
    return 0;
catch (...) { return to_hresult(); }

In words, the autogenerated code expects d.Height() to produce something that can be stored in a double, and it expects d.Height(value) to do something with the value.

These look like method calls, but they don’t have to be. They can be anything, provided that sequence of tokens produces a valid result.

Specifically, they can be callable objects.

template<typename T>
struct winrt_property
    winrt_property(T const& initial =
        winrt_empty_value<T>()) :
        value(initial) {}

    T operator()() const { return value; }
    void operator()(T const& newValue) { value = newValue; }

    T value;

namespace winrt::MyNamespace::implementation
    struct Widget : WidgetT<Widget>
        winrt_property<double> Height;

When the C++/WinRT library does this->shim().Height(), this obtains the Widget implementation class and then looks up Height, which is a member variable, and then applies the () function call operator, which we overloaded to return the current wrapped value.

Similarly, when the C++/WinRT library does this->shim().Height(value), this invokes the overloaded single-parameter function call operator which updates the value.

In the implementation, you can access the value either by using the function call operator:

void Widget::IncreaseHeight(double increment)
    auto currentHeight = Height();
    Height(currentHeight + increment);

or you can access the value member, which was intentionally left public for this purpose.

void Widget::IncreaseHeight(double increment)
    Height.value += increment;

You can use the same trick for C++/WinRT event implementations.

template<typename D>
struct winrt_event : winrt::event<D>
    winrt_event() = default;

    using winrt::event<D>::operator();
    auto operator()(D const& handler)
        { return this->add(handler); }
    void operator()(winrt::event_token const& token)
        { this->remove(token); }

// Class definition

namespace MyNamespace
    runtimeclass Widget
        Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Widget, Object> Closed;

// Implementation
namespace winrt::MyNamespace::implementation
    // Just an abbreviation to save some typing.
    using ClosedHandler = Windows::Foundation::TypedEventHandler<
        MyNamespace::Widget, Windows::Foundation::IInspectable>;

    struct Widget : WidgetT<Widget>
        winrt_event<ClosedHandler> Closed;

Note the need to namespace-qualify Widget when it appears as the first template type parameter of Typed­Event­Handler because we want it to be the projected type and not the implementation type.



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


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  • Blubberich

    Out of interest in Microsoft history, in the linked Wikipedia article it says:
    " The Microsoft Implementation of CRTP in Active Template Library (ATL) was independently discovered, also in 1995, by Jan Falkin, who accidentally derived a base class from a derived class. Christian Beaumont first saw Jan's code and initially thought it could not possibly compile in the Microsoft compiler available at the time. Following the revelation that it did indeed work, Christian based...

    Read more
  • pinwing

    If we add a conversion operator T&() to winrt_property, then in IncreaseHeight we could probably use Height directly instead of Height.value, right?