Inside C++/WinRT: Coroutine completions: The oversimplified version

Raymond Chen

C++/WinRT coroutines use the Completed delegate property to be notified when an asynchronous operation is complete. There are multiple parts of the completion handler. Today we’ll look at an oversimplified version, and then we will gradually build it up.

template <typename Async>
struct await_adapter
    await_adapter(Async const& async) : async(async) { }

    Async const& async;

    bool await_ready() const noexcept
        return false;

    void await_suspend(std::experimental::coroutine_handle<> handle) const
        async.Completed([handle](auto&& ...)

    auto await_resume() const
        return async.GetResults();

To co_await an IAsyncAction or IAsyncOperation, we register a completion callback that resumes the awaiting coroutine. When the coroutine resumes, it will call await_resume() to obtain the result of the co_await, and we propagate the result of the GetResults() method.

We don’t particularly care about the parameters passed to the completion delegate: Those tell us whether the asynchronous work completed successfully, was cancelled, or failed outright, but we don’t need to remember that information because GetResults() will report the information again: If the asynchronous work did not complete successfully, then GetResults() will thrown an exception describing why it was not successful.

As things go, this is a fairly standard implementation of a coroutine awaiter, although there is a race condition we need to fix:

    void await_suspend(std::experimental::coroutine_handle<> handle) const
        auto extend_lifetime = async;
        async.Completed([handle](auto&& ...)

If the completion handler runs before Completed() returns, then we end up destroying the async while there is still an active call on it. This is a problem I called out at the start of my coroutine series. To fix this, we make a local copy of the async to extend its lifetime to the end of the await_suspend function.

This is just the starting point for C++/WinRT coroutine completion handlers. Next time, we’ll add apartment-preserving behavior.


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  • 紅樓鍮 0

    Is it undefined behavior to simply have *this destroyed during the execution of a non-static member function, even if that function no longer accesses *this?

    class C {
      int f() {
        this->~C(); // UB or not UB?
        return 42;

    If this is not UB, then await_suspend shouldn’t need extend_lifetime; we can assume Async::Completed itself is written correctly to not use *this (which is our async) after scheduling for handle to execute, and we don’t need to extend async‘s lifetime ourselves because we don’t access async any more.

    • Raymond ChenMicrosoft employee 1

      There is no requirement that Async::Completed avoid *this after calling the handler. In fact, if the Async is remote, it will definitely access *this, because will have to tear down the channel and proxy.

    • sugrob 9000 0

      That aside, calling the destructor from within a non-static member function is, on its own, legal. Of course, this is extremely prone to making subsequent code exhibit UB, such as in this case.

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