January 2nd, 2023

Opinionated notes on the Windows.Data.Json namespace

The Windows Runtime provides types in the Windows.Data.Json namespace for dealing with JSON. You can parse a JSON string into a JSON object model, and you can conversely build a JSON object model and then convert it back to a string.

Here are some of my opinionated notes on these classes.

In order to be language-independent, the objects in the Windows.Data.Json namespace are COM objects, rather than native objects in C++, C#, or whatever your language is. This means that calls to the methods go through vtable dispatch, which the compiler cannot optimize. This is a fundamental limitation of using a language-independent object model: You cannot take advantage of language-specific optimizations.

There are a lot of interfaces, and calling a method on an interface different from the one you have in your hand requires you do perform a QueryInterface to switch to the interface that has the method.

// C++/WinRT
JsonObject jsonObject = ...;
jsonObject.Insert(key, value);

Insert is a method on IMap<String, IJsonValue>, so under the covers, there is an interface query.

IMap<hstring, IJsonValue> map;
map.Insert(key, value);
// map calls Release() on destruction

The above code could have avoided two COM calls (the Query­Interface and the Release) by using the bespoke Set­Named­Value method.

// C++/WinRT
JsonObject jsonObject = ...;
jsonObject.SetNamedValue(key, value);

The SetNamedValue method is a method on IJsonObject, so you can call it without having to change interfaces.

The JsonObject is awkward to use in an exception-free manner. In order to read a value if it is present, most people write something like

if (jsonObject.HasKey(L"name")) {
    auto value = jsonObject.GetNamedValue(L"name");
    if (value.ValueType() == JsonValueType::String) {
        auto name = value.GetString();

This is a double-query, which is made even more expensive when you realize that HasKey is a method on IMap, so you also have an interface query/release hiding in there.

There’s a little-known overload of GetNamedValue that lets you specify what to return if the value isn’t found:

auto value = jsonObject.GetNamedValue(L"name", nullptr);
if (value && value.ValueType() == JsonValueType::String) {
    auto name = value.GetString();

Since a present named value never has a nullptr value, we can be confident that if nullptr is returned, then it means that the value was not present. (If the associated value is a JSON null, it is returned as a non-null object whose value type is JsonValueType::Null.)

There’s a corresponding little-known overload of GetNamedString that returns the string, or a fallback value if the string is not present.

auto name = jsonObject.GetNamedString(L"name", L"untitled");

Choosing a fallback value for a missing string is trickier because there is no out-of-band value that unmistakably indicates that the fallback was returned. (Recall that a nullptr HSTRING represents the empty string.) The Get­Named­Boolean function suffers from the same problem. For Get­Named­Value and Get­Named­Array, you can use nullptr, and for Get­Named­Number you can use NaN or one of the Infinity values, since those are not legal in JSON.

There’s still a hidden trap in the Get­Named­... functions with fallback: If the value is present but is not the type you expect, then instead of returning the fallback, you get an E_ILLEGAL_METHOD_CALL error, which usually projects as an exception. This is a problem if you’re trying to be exception-free yet resilient to JSON that doesn’t match your schema. I think the best you can do is Get­Named­Value and then check the Value­Type before converting.

The JSON parsing and serialization methods are not configurable. Although there is a JSON specification, there is wide disagreement over what is legal JSON when you get to the edges of the specification. I’ve put a conformance report at the end of this article.

One thing that stands out from the conformance report is that the TryParse method can throw an exception if the JSON string is legal but not representable as a JsonValue object, or if an implementation limit is reached before the string can be fully validated. So even though you think you’re avoiding exceptions by using JsonValue::TryParse, you aren’t actually exception-free.

Anyway, back to lack of configurability: Since you cannot configure the input, you cannot specify which variant of JSON you want to accept. And since you cannot configure the output, you cannot ask for pretty-printing. This makes the Windows.Data.Json objects unsuitable for generating JSON configuration files which are intended to be human-edited.

Note also that the Windows.Data.Json interconversion functions consume and produce UTF-16LE strings. Most of the time, the original JSON data in UTF-8 format, and the final output is also in UTF-8 format, so you have extra conversion steps on either side. Of course, this isn’t a problem if your I/O functions already do that conversion for you. For example, if you ask HttpClient for the string content, it returns the string in UTF16-LE format, ready to be handed to JsonValue::TryParse.

With all of these caveats, it sure sounds like the Windows.Data.Json namespace is terrible. Why would you ever want to use it?

Well, it’s already there.

If you already require Windows 8 or higher, then these classes are already present, and you can consume them without having to add another dependency to your project. This is important if you are concerned about disk footprint or download size, or just want to minimize your dependencies. For example, I have a few internal tools in which the program itself is 60KB, but the dependencies to do the Web authentication are 300KB.

Also, if parsing JSON is not a performance-critical operation in your program, you may figure that the inefficiencies of a language-independent library (compared to a native-language library) aren’t really a big deal. For example, if your program is parsing moderate-sized JSON received from a Web server, any time savings by switching to a highly-optimized JSON parser is almost certainly going to be overwhelmed by the network I/O.¹

Bonus chatter: The classes in the Windows.Data.Json namespace are provided by the Windows Runtime as a convenience. No other parts of the API surface require it.² Any methods that accept JSON do so in the form of a string, so you are welcome to use whatever JSON library you like.

Appendix: Here’s the JSON conformance report, generated from Nicolas Seriot’s JSON test suite.

Test Result Notes
i_number_double_huge_neg_exp Exception WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_NUMBER
i_number_huge_exp Exception WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_NUMBER
i_number_neg_int_huge_exp Exception WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_NUMBER
i_number_pos_double_huge_exp Exception WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_NUMBER
i_number_real_neg_overflow Exception WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_NUMBER
i_number_real_pos_overflow Exception WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_NUMBER
i_number_real_underflow Exception WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_NUMBER
i_number_too_big_neg_int Accept Allowed
i_number_too_big_pos_int Accept Allowed
i_number_very_big_negative_int Accept Allowed
i_object_key_lone_2nd_surrogate Accept Allowed
i_string_1st_surrogate_but_2nd_missing Accept Allowed
i_string_1st_valid_surrogate_2nd_invalid Accept Allowed
i_string_incomplete_surrogates_escape_valid Accept Allowed
i_string_incomplete_surrogate_and_escape_valid Accept Allowed
i_string_incomplete_surrogate_pair Accept Allowed
i_string_invalid_lonely_surrogate Accept Allowed
i_string_invalid_surrogate Accept Allowed
i_string_invalid_utf-8 Accept Allowed
i_string_inverted_surrogates_U+1D11E Accept Allowed
i_string_iso_latin_1 Accept Allowed
i_string_lone_second_surrogate Accept Allowed
i_string_lone_utf8_continuation_byte Accept Allowed
i_string_not_in_unicode_range Accept Allowed
i_string_overlong_sequence_2_bytes Accept Allowed
i_string_overlong_sequence_6_bytes Accept Allowed
i_string_overlong_sequence_6_bytes_null Accept Allowed
i_string_truncated-utf-8 Accept Allowed
i_string_UTF-16LE_with_BOM Accept Allowed
i_string_UTF-8_invalid_sequence Accept Allowed
i_string_utf16BE_no_BOM Reject Allowed
i_string_utf16LE_no_BOM Reject Allowed
i_string_UTF8_surrogate_U+D800 Accept Allowed
i_structure_500_nested_arrays Accept Allowed
i_structure_UTF-8_BOM_empty_object Accept Allowed
n_array_1_true_without_comma Reject OK
n_array_a_invalid_utf8 Reject OK
n_array_colon_instead_of_comma Reject OK
n_array_comma_after_close Reject OK
n_array_comma_and_number Reject OK
n_array_double_comma Reject OK
n_array_double_extra_comma Reject OK
n_array_extra_close Reject OK
n_array_extra_comma Reject OK
n_array_incomplete Reject OK
n_array_incomplete_invalid_value Reject OK
n_array_inner_array_no_comma Reject OK
n_array_invalid_utf8 Reject OK
n_array_items_separated_by_semicolon Reject OK
n_array_just_comma Reject OK
n_array_just_minus Reject OK
n_array_missing_value Reject OK
n_array_newlines_unclosed Reject OK
n_array_number_and_comma Reject OK
n_array_number_and_several_commas Reject OK
n_array_spaces_vertical_tab_formfeed Reject OK
n_array_star_inside Reject OK
n_array_unclosed Reject OK
n_array_unclosed_trailing_comma Reject OK
n_array_unclosed_with_new_lines Reject OK
n_array_unclosed_with_object_inside Reject OK
n_incomplete_false Reject OK
n_incomplete_null Reject OK
n_incomplete_true Reject OK
n_multidigit_number_then_00 Reject OK
n_number_++ Reject OK
n_number_+1 Reject OK
n_number_+Inf Reject OK
n_number_-01 Reject OK
n_number_-1.0. Reject OK
n_number_-2. Reject OK
n_number_-NaN Reject OK
n_number_.-1 Reject OK
n_number_.2e-3 Reject OK
n_number_0.1.2 Reject OK
n_number_0.3e+ Reject OK
n_number_0.3e Reject OK
n_number_0.e1 Reject OK
n_number_0e+ Reject OK
n_number_0e Reject OK
n_number_0_capital_E+ Reject OK
n_number_0_capital_E Reject OK
n_number_1.0e+ Reject OK
n_number_1.0e- Reject OK
n_number_1.0e Reject OK
n_number_1eE2 Reject OK
n_number_1_000 Reject OK
n_number_2.e+3 Reject OK
n_number_2.e-3 Reject OK
n_number_2.e3 Reject OK
n_number_9.e+ Reject OK
n_number_expression Reject OK
n_number_hex_1_digit Reject OK
n_number_hex_2_digits Reject OK
n_number_Inf Reject OK
n_number_infinity Reject OK
n_number_invalid+- Reject OK
n_number_invalid-negative-real Reject OK
n_number_invalid-utf-8-in-bigger-int Reject OK
n_number_invalid-utf-8-in-exponent Reject OK
n_number_invalid-utf-8-in-int Reject OK
n_number_minus_infinity Reject OK
n_number_minus_sign_with_trailing_garbage Reject OK
n_number_minus_space_1 Reject OK
n_number_NaN Reject OK
n_number_neg_int_starting_with_zero Reject OK
n_number_neg_real_without_int_part Reject OK
n_number_neg_with_garbage_at_end Reject OK
n_number_real_garbage_after_e Reject OK
n_number_real_without_fractional_part Reject OK
n_number_real_with_invalid_utf8_after_e Reject OK
n_number_starting_with_dot Reject OK
n_number_U+FF11_fullwidth_digit_one Reject OK
n_number_with_alpha Reject OK
n_number_with_alpha_char Reject OK
n_number_with_leading_zero Reject OK
n_object_bad_value Reject OK
n_object_bracket_key Reject OK
n_object_comma_instead_of_colon Reject OK
n_object_double_colon Reject OK
n_object_emoji Reject OK
n_object_garbage_at_end Reject OK
n_object_key_with_single_quotes Reject OK
Reject OK
n_object_missing_colon Reject OK
n_object_missing_key Reject OK
n_object_missing_semicolon Reject OK
n_object_missing_value Reject OK
n_object_no-colon Reject OK
n_object_non_string_key Reject OK
Reject OK
n_object_repeated_null_null Reject OK
n_object_several_trailing_commas Reject OK
n_object_single_quote Reject OK
n_object_trailing_comma Reject OK
n_object_trailing_comment Reject OK
n_object_trailing_comment_open Reject OK
n_object_trailing_comment_slash_open Reject OK
n_object_trailing_comment_slash_open_incomplete Reject OK
n_object_two_commas_in_a_row Reject OK
n_object_unquoted_key Reject OK
n_object_unterminated-value Reject OK
n_object_with_single_string Reject OK
n_object_with_trailing_garbage Reject OK
n_single_space Reject OK
n_string_1_surrogate_then_escape Reject OK
n_string_1_surrogate_then_escape_u Reject OK
n_string_1_surrogate_then_escape_u1 Reject OK
n_string_1_surrogate_then_escape_u1x Reject OK
n_string_accentuated_char_no_quotes Reject OK
n_string_backslash_00 Reject OK
n_string_escaped_backslash_bad Reject OK
n_string_escaped_ctrl_char_tab Reject OK
n_string_escaped_emoji Reject OK
n_string_escape_x Reject OK
n_string_incomplete_escape Reject OK
n_string_incomplete_escaped_character Reject OK
n_string_incomplete_surrogate Reject OK
n_string_incomplete_surrogate_escape_invalid Reject OK
n_string_invalid-utf-8-in-escape Reject OK
n_string_invalid_backslash_esc Reject OK
n_string_invalid_unicode_escape Reject OK
n_string_invalid_utf8_after_escape Reject OK
n_string_leading_uescaped_thinspace Reject OK
n_string_no_quotes_with_bad_escape Reject OK
n_string_single_doublequote Reject OK
n_string_single_quote Reject OK
n_string_single_string_no_double_quotes Reject OK
n_string_start_escape_unclosed Reject OK
n_string_unescaped_ctrl_char Reject OK
n_string_unescaped_newline Reject OK
n_string_unescaped_tab Reject OK
n_string_unicode_CapitalU Reject OK
n_string_with_trailing_garbage Reject OK
n_structure_100000_opening_arrays Exception ERROR_IMPLEMENTATION_LIMIT
n_structure_angle_bracket_. Reject OK
n_structure_angle_bracket_null Reject OK
n_structure_array_trailing_garbage Reject OK
n_structure_array_with_extra_array_close Reject OK
n_structure_array_with_unclosed_string Reject OK
n_structure_ascii-unicode-identifier Reject OK
n_structure_capitalized_True Reject OK
n_structure_close_unopened_array Reject OK
n_structure_comma_instead_of_closing_brace Reject OK
n_structure_double_array Reject OK
n_structure_end_array Reject OK
n_structure_incomplete_UTF8_BOM Reject OK
n_structure_lone-invalid-utf-8 Reject OK
n_structure_lone-open-bracket Reject OK
n_structure_no_data Reject OK
n_structure_null-byte-outside-string Reject OK
n_structure_number_with_trailing_garbage Reject OK
n_structure_object_followed_by_closing_object Reject OK
n_structure_object_unclosed_no_value Reject OK
n_structure_object_with_comment Reject OK
n_structure_object_with_trailing_garbage Reject OK
n_structure_open_array_apostrophe Reject OK
n_structure_open_array_comma Reject OK
n_structure_open_array_object Exception ERROR_IMPLEMENTATION_LIMIT
n_structure_open_array_open_object Reject OK
n_structure_open_array_open_string Reject OK
n_structure_open_array_string Reject OK
n_structure_open_object Reject OK
n_structure_open_object_close_array Reject OK
n_structure_open_object_comma Reject OK
n_structure_open_object_open_array Reject OK
n_structure_open_object_open_string Reject OK
n_structure_open_object_string_with_apostrophes Reject OK
n_structure_open_open Reject OK
n_structure_single_eacute Reject OK
n_structure_single_star Reject OK
n_structure_trailing_# Reject OK
n_structure_U+2060_word_joined Reject OK
n_structure_uescaped_LF_before_string Reject OK
n_structure_unclosed_array Reject OK
n_structure_unclosed_array_partial_null Reject OK
n_structure_unclosed_array_unfinished_false Reject OK
n_structure_unclosed_array_unfinished_true Reject OK
n_structure_unclosed_object Reject OK
n_structure_unicode-identifier Reject OK
n_structure_UTF8_BOM_no_data Reject OK
n_structure_whitespace_formfeed Reject OK
n_structure_whitespace_U+2060_word_joiner Reject OK
y_array_arraysWithSpaces Accept OK
y_array_empty-string Accept OK
y_array_empty Accept OK
y_array_ending_with_newline Accept OK
y_array_false Accept OK
y_array_heterogeneous Accept OK
y_array_null Accept OK
y_array_with_1_and_newline Accept OK
y_array_with_leading_space Accept OK
y_array_with_several_null Accept OK
y_array_with_trailing_space Accept OK
y_number Accept OK
y_number_0e+1 Accept OK
y_number_0e1 Accept OK
y_number_after_space Accept OK
y_number_double_close_to_zero Accept OK
y_number_int_with_exp Accept OK
y_number_minus_zero Accept OK
y_number_negative_int Accept OK
y_number_negative_one Accept OK
y_number_negative_zero Accept OK
y_number_real_capital_e Accept OK
y_number_real_capital_e_neg_exp Accept OK
y_number_real_capital_e_pos_exp Accept OK
y_number_real_exponent Accept OK
y_number_real_fraction_exponent Accept OK
y_number_real_neg_exp Accept OK
y_number_real_pos_exponent Accept OK
y_number_simple_int Accept OK
y_number_simple_real Accept OK
y_object Accept OK
y_object_basic Accept OK
y_object_duplicated_key Accept OK
y_object_duplicated_key_and_value Accept OK
y_object_empty Accept OK
y_object_empty_key Accept OK
y_object_escaped_null_in_key Accept OK
y_object_extreme_numbers Accept OK
y_object_long_strings Accept OK
y_object_simple Accept OK
y_object_string_unicode Accept OK
y_object_with_newlines Accept OK
y_string_1_2_3_bytes_UTF-8_sequences Accept OK
y_string_accepted_surrogate_pair Accept OK
y_string_accepted_surrogate_pairs Accept OK
y_string_allowed_escapes Accept OK
y_string_backslash_and_u_escaped_zero Accept OK
y_string_backslash_doublequotes Accept OK
y_string_comments Accept OK
y_string_double_escape_a Accept OK
y_string_double_escape_n Accept OK
y_string_escaped_control_character Accept OK
y_string_escaped_noncharacter Accept OK
y_string_in_array Accept OK
y_string_in_array_with_leading_space Accept OK
y_string_last_surrogates_1_and_2 Accept OK
y_string_nbsp_uescaped Accept OK
y_string_nonCharacterInUTF-8_U+10FFFF Accept OK
y_string_nonCharacterInUTF-8_U+FFFF Accept OK
y_string_null_escape Accept OK
y_string_one-byte-utf-8 Accept OK
y_string_pi Accept OK
y_string_reservedCharacterInUTF-8_U+1BFFF Accept OK
y_string_simple_ascii Accept OK
y_string_space Accept OK
Accept OK
y_string_three-byte-utf-8 Accept OK
y_string_two-byte-utf-8 Accept OK
y_string_u+2028_line_sep Accept OK
y_string_u+2029_par_sep Accept OK
y_string_uEscape Accept OK
y_string_uescaped_newline Accept OK
y_string_unescaped_char_delete Accept OK
y_string_unicode Accept OK
y_string_unicodeEscapedBackslash Accept OK
y_string_unicode_2 Accept OK
y_string_unicode_escaped_double_quote Accept OK
y_string_unicode_U+10FFFE_nonchar Accept OK
y_string_unicode_U+1FFFE_nonchar Accept OK
y_string_unicode_U+200B_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE Accept OK
y_string_unicode_U+2064_invisible_plus Accept OK
y_string_unicode_U+FDD0_nonchar Accept OK
y_string_unicode_U+FFFE_nonchar Accept OK
y_string_utf8 Accept OK
y_string_with_del_character Accept OK
y_structure_lonely_false Accept OK
y_structure_lonely_int Accept OK
y_structure_lonely_negative_real Accept OK
y_structure_lonely_null Accept OK
y_structure_lonely_string Accept OK
y_structure_lonely_true Accept OK
y_structure_string_empty Accept OK
y_structure_trailing_newline Accept OK
y_structure_true_in_array Accept OK
y_structure_whitespace_array Accept OK
number_-9223372036854775808 [-9.2233720368547758E+18]
number_-9223372036854775809 [-9.2233720368547758E+18]
number_1.0 [1]
number_1.000000000000000005 [1]
number_1000000000000000 [1E+15]
number_10000000000000000999 [1E+19]
number_1e-999 Exception WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_NUMBER
number_1e6 [1000000]
number_9223372036854775807 [9.2233720368547758E+18]
number_9223372036854775808 [9.2233720368547758E+18]
object_key_nfc_nfd {"C3A9":"NFC","65CC81":"NFD"}
object_key_nfd_nfc {"65CC81":"NFD","C3A9":"NFC"}
object_same_key_different_values {"a":2}
object_same_key_same_value {"a":1}
object_same_key_unclear_values {"a":-0}
string_1_escaped_invalid_codepoint ["EFBFBD"]
string_1_invalid_codepoint N/A
string_2_escaped_invalid_codepoints ["EFBFBDEFBFBD"]
string_2_invalid_codepoints N/A
string_3_escaped_invalid_codepoints ["EFBFBDEFBFBDEFBFBD"]
string_3_invalid_codepoints N/A
string_with_escaped_NULL ["A\u0000B"]

For all of the “invalid codepoint” tests, the EFBFBD sequence is an encoded � U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.

The “raw invalid codepoint” tests are marked N/A because the failure is in the conversion from UTF-8 to UTF-16LE, which is something the caller does before calling JsonValue::TryParse.

¹ Though not always.

² The Windows.System.Diagnostics.Diagnostic­Invoker.Run­Diagnostic­Action­Async method does require that you use a Windows.Data.Json.JsonObject, but this was a mistake, which was corrected by the addition of the Windows.System.Diagnostics.Diagnostic­Invoker.Run­Diagnostic­Action­From­String­Async method, which accepts a plain string. You can generate that string using whatever JSON library you choose.



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


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  • Paulo Pinto

    With the deprecation of UWP, there is hardly any value making use of Windows.Data.Json or any other Windows Runtime components really.

    The developer tooling available on CsWinRT and C++/WinRT isn’t on pair with what .NET Native and C++/CX offered (already 5 years into this), and going via Win32 or language native options is much easier and more productive, even if it requires a couple of KB more, using NuGET and vcpkg is much less painful than dealing with bare bones IDL files or configuration files to generate projection assemblies.

    • a b

      I thought that just using UWP for GUI is deprecated. Many of other new Windows APIs are part of UWP. Though Microsoft’s terminology is very confusing.

      • Paulo Pinto

        In theory you should use WinUI 3.0 with WinAppSDK, in practice UWP still has better tooling and WinUI 3.0 is years away to achieve parity.

    • Dongle ͏

      > There is hardly any value making use of any Windows Runtime components really.

      I would disagree with that, actually. WinDev’s latest Windows App SDK uses WinRT very extensively. In addition, the SDK headers we are currently using for Windows app development isn’t very modern, I would add that.

      • Paulo Pinto

        WinAppSDK is only relevant for the poor souls that still think WinUI 3.0 has any future during the next decade.

        Sadly MAUI also decided to bet the farm on it, and had to ship a webwidget for bing maps, as the control from UWP still hasn’t been ported.

  • Ana William

    Hi! first of all, Happy New Year!

    Only comment this is a relly good blog, thank you for sharing

  • Csaba Varga

    That GTA Online sidebar is pretty interesting. The moral I took from it is that modern hardware may save you from thinking hard most of the time, but it won’t help if your algorithm is slower by an order of magnitude or more. You still need to be able to tell apart a linear algorithm from a quadratic one.

  • Flux

    Hello and happy new year!

    There is a minor typo near the end of the article:

    Most of the time, the original JSON data [is] in UTF-8 format, and the final output is also in UTF-8 format, so you have extra conversion steps on either side.

    The sentence requires “is” where I specified above.