Say you are looking at a crash dump, and you have a pointer to a Windows Runtime object projection, and you know that the Windows Runtime object is implemented in C++/WinRT, and you want to get to the implementation type so you can look at its private members.
The basic trick of treating the pointer as the start of an object doesn’t work:
0:000> ?? s struct winrt::Contoso::Sample +0x000 m_ptr : 0x00000205`9ab9cf20 winrt::impl:: abi< winrt:: Windows:: Foundation:: IUnknown, void>:: type
If you dump memory starting at this interface pointer, you get the expected vtable, but the rest does not match the expected implementation type.
0:000> dps 0x00000205`9ab9cf20 00000205`9ab9cf20 00007ff6`0bef8998 contoso!winrt:: impl:: produce< winrt:: Contoso:: implementation:: Sample, winrt:: Contoso:: ISample>:: `vftable' 00000205`9ab9cf28 00007ff6`0bef8a38 contoso! winrt:: impl:: produce< winrt:: Contoso:: implementation:: Sample, winrt:: Windows:: Foundation:: IClosable>:: `vftable' 00000205`9ab9cf30 00000000`0000002a 00000205`9ab9cf38 00000205`9ab9dae0 00000205`9ab9cf40 00640065`00720046 00000205`9ab9cf48 00000000`00000000 00000205`9ab9cf50 00000000`00000004 0:000> dt contoso! winrt:: Contoso:: implementation:: Sample 0x00000205`9ab9cf20 +0x010 vtable : winrt:: impl:: produce< winrt:: Contoso:: implementation:: Sample, winrt:: Contoso:: ISample> +0x018 vtable : winrt:: impl:: produce< winrt:: Contoso:: implementation:: Sample, winrt:: Windows:: Foundation:: IClosable> +0x000 __VFN_table : 0x00007ff6`0bef8998 +0x008 m_references : std::atomic<unsigned __int64> +0x020 m_value : 0n7471174 ← garbage +0x028 m_name : std:: basic_string< wchar_t, std:: char_traits< wchar_t>, std:: allocator< wchar_t> > 0:000> ?? ((contoso! winrt:: Contoso:: implementation:: Sample*)0x00000205`9ab9cf20)->m_name class std:: basic_string< wchar_t, std:: char_traits< wchar_t>, std:: allocator< wchar_t> > +0x000 _Mypair : std:: _Compressed_pair< std:: allocator<wchar_t>, std:: _String_val< std:: _Simple_types< wchar_t> >,1> 0:000> ?? ((consolecppwinrt!winrt::MyProject::implementation::Sample*)0x00000205`9ab9cf20)->m_name._Mypair class std:: _Compressed_pair< std:: allocator<wchar_t>, std:: _String_val< std:: _Simple_types< wchar_t> >,1> +0x000 _Myval2 : std:: _String_val< std:: _Simple_types<wchar_t> > 0:000> ?? ((consolecppwinrt!winrt::MyProject::implementation::Sample*)0x00000205`9ab9cf20)->m_name._Mypair._Myval2 class std:: _String_val< std:: _Simple_types<wchar_t> > +0x000 _Myproxy : (null) ← garbage +0x008 _Bx : std::_String_val<std::_Simple_types<wchar_t> >::_Bxty +0x018 _Mysize : 0xabababab`fdfdfdfd ← garbage +0x020 _Myres : 0xabababab`abababab ← garbage
The reason nothing matches up is that the projection vtable is not at the start of the object. Let’s look at the initial structure again:
0:000> dt contoso!winrt:: Contoso:: implementation:: Sample +0x010 vtable : winrt:: impl:: produce< winrt:: Contoso:: implementation:: Sample, winrt:: Contoso:: ISample> +0x018 vtable : winrt:: impl:: produce< winrt:: Contoso:: implementation:: Sample, winrt:: Windows:: Foundation:: IClosable> +0x000 __VFN_table : Ptr64 +0x008 m_references : std::atomic<unsigned __int64> +0x020 m_value : Int4B +0x028 m_name : std:: basic_string< wchar_t, std:: char_traits< wchar_t>, std:: allocator< wchar_t> >
Even though the debugger lists the ISample
projection vtable first, it’s not actually the start of the object. The offset is 0x010
The object starts with its private little vtable __VFN_table
. In this case, we see that the projection vtable is at offset 0x10
, so we can subtract 0x10
to find the true start of the object:
0:000> ?? ((consolecppwinrt!winrt::MyProject::implementation::Sample*)0x00000205`9ab9cf10) struct winrt::MyProject::implementation::Sample * 0x00000205`9ab9cf20 +0x010 vtable : winrt::impl:: produce< winrt:: Contoso:: implementation:: Sample, winrt:: Contoso:: ISample> +0x018 vtable : winrt:: impl:: produce< winrt:: Contoso:: implementation:: Sample, winrt:: Windows:: Foundation:: IClosable> +0x000 __VFN_table : 0x00007ff6`0bef8d68 +0x008 m_references : std::atomic<unsigned __int64> +0x020 m_value : 0n42 ← good value +0x028 m_name : std:: basic_string< wchar_t, std:: char_traits< wchar_t>, std:: allocator< wchar_t> > 0:000> ?? ((consolecppwinrt!winrt::MyProject::implementation::Sample*)0x00000205`9ab9cf10)->m_name._Mypair._Myval2 class std:: _String_val< std:: _Simple_types<wchar_t> > +0x000 _Myproxy : 0x00000205`9ab9dae0 std::_Container_proxy +0x008 _Bx : std::_String_val<std::_Simple_types<wchar_t> >::_Bxty +0x018 _Mysize : 4 ← good value +0x020 _Myres : 7 ← good value 0:000> ?? ((consolecppwinrt!winrt::MyProject::implementation::Sample*)0x00000205`9ab9cf10)->m_name._Mypair._Myval2._Bx union std:: _String_val<std:: _Simple_types<wchar_t> >:: _Bxty +0x000 _Buf : [8] "Fred" ← good value +0x000 _Ptr : 0x00640065`00720046 "--- memory read error at address 0x00640065`00720046 ---" +0x000 _Alias : [8] "F"
We happened to know that the m_ptr
came from a projection of the Sample
runtime class, which means that it’s a pointer to the default interface, which is ISample
. If m_ptr
came from a projection f the IClosable
interface, then we would have to adjust by 0x018
to get to the start of the object.
My strategy is simply to go backward from the projection pointer and see if a non-projection vtable emerges.
0:000> dps 0x00000205`9ab9cf20-40 0x00000205`9ab9cf20 00000205`9ab9cee0 00000205`9ab9cdc0 00000205`9ab9cee8 00000205`9ab9dab0 00000205`9ab9cef0 00000000`00000000 00000205`9ab9cef8 00000001`00000000 00000205`9ab9cf00 00000000`00000050 00000205`9ab9cf08 fdfdfdfd`00000118 00000205`9ab9cf10 00007ff6`0bef8d68 contoso!winrt:: impl:: heap_ implements< winrt:: Contoso:: implementation:: Sample>:: `vftable' 00000205`9ab9cf18 00000000`00000001 00000205`9ab9cf20 00007ff6`0bef8998 contoso! winrt:: impl:: produce< winrt:: Contoso:: implementation:: Sample, winrt:: Contoso:: ISample>:: `vftable'
Can you tell from the debugging information (winrt::Contoso::implementation::Sample, winrt::Contoso::ISample) for the dumped pointer what the offset is? In particular, can you get the debugger to cast the pointer to the base class that the pointed-at vtable is for to the derived class to get it to reverse the offset, or is it not clever enough?
Personally I’d try just asking the object where it starts. Time to check out vtable slot negative one and poke at the RTTI structs! If you can guess which RTTI standard is being used, you can just grab the complete object locator and do a dynamic cast yourself. A bit complicated, but that’s what automation is for.