October 19th, 2022

Why is there a make_unique? Why not just overload the unique_ptr constructor?

At first, there was no make_unique. Only unique_ptr. And for expository simplicity, let’s focus just on the non-array version of unique_ptr.

There’s the proposal for make_unique, written by our pal Stephan T. Lavavej. It cites a few motivating issues for the make_unique function:

  1. Parallel construction with make_shared.
  2. Avoiding the need to use the new operator explicitly, thereby permitting the simple rule: “Don’t write new.” Prior to make_unique, the rule was “Don’t write new, except to construct a unique_ptr.”
  3. Avoiding having to say the type name twice: std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(args)).
  4. Avoid a memory leak due to unspecified order of evaluation if a std::unique_ptr is constructed from a newly new‘d pointer as part of a larger expression which could throw. More details here.

But couldn’t we have solved this problem by adding a new constructor to unique_ptr?

template<typename T>
struct unique_ptr

    template<typename... Args>
    unique_ptr(Args&&... args) :
        unique_ptr(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) {}

With this new overload, you can write

// was p = std::make_unique<Thing>(arg1, arg2, arg3);
auto p = std::unique_ptr<Thing>(arg1, arg2, arg3);

This seems convenient (avoids introducing a new name), but it still has problems. For example, consider this:

struct Node
    Node(Node* parent = nullptr);

auto create_child(Node* parent)
    // was return std::make_unique<Node>(parent);
    return std::unique_ptr<Node>(parent);

This version looks like it’s create a new child node with the specified parent, but since the constructor parameter is a pointer to the same type, what this really does is create a unique_ptr that manages the parent pointer. Everything will compile, and it may even run for a while, inadvertently updating the wrong node, and eventually leading to a double-free bug.

And then there’s the converse problem:

struct NodeSource
    operator Node*();

auto wrap_proxy(NodeSource const& source)
    // was return std::make_unique<Node>(source);
    return std::unique_ptr<Node>(source);

This time, we want to create a unique_ptr that manages the object produced by the Node­Source‘s conversion operator. A common case where you encounter this is if the Node­Source is some sort of proxy object. But since the parameter is not literally a Node*, this gets picked up by the new overload and is interpreted as

    return std::unique_ptr<Node>(new Node(source));

For backward compatibility, both of these cases must resolve to the constructor that takes a raw pointer to a Node. That can probably be accomplished via a special overload that takes exactly one universal reference, and a little SFINAE, but it’s starting to get complicated.

The default constructor has entered the chat:

auto make_something()
    // was return std::make_unique<Node>();
    return std::unique_ptr<Node>();

Does this create an empty unique_ptr? Or does it create a new default-constructed Node and then create a unique_ptr that manages it?

For backward compatibility, this must create an empty unique_ptr, so now you have a third special case where passing Node constructor parameters to unique_ptr doesn’t actually construct a Node.

The move and copy constructors have entered the chat:

struct ListNode
    ListNode(std::unique_ptr<ListNode> rest);

auto prepend_node(std::unique_ptr<ListNode> rest)
    // was return std::unique_ptr<ListNode>(
    //    new ListNode(std::move(rest));
    return std::unique_ptr<ListNode>(std::move(rest));

Does this create a new ListNode object, using rest as the constructor parameter? Or does this move-construct an existing std::unique_ptr? Again, for backward compatibility, this must move-construct the std::unique_ptr.

Okay, so if you do some SFINAE magic and carve out the special cases for backward compatibility, you’ve resolved the technical ambiguity. But you’ve done nothing to address the semantic ambiguity.

contoso::table<Node*> nodes;
auto p = std::unique_ptr<Node>(nodes.get(i));

Does this get a Node* from the table and transfer ownership of it to a unique_ptr? Or does this get a Node* from the table and create a new Node from it?

As we noted earlier, compatibility requires that we interpret this as an ownership transfer, and if you want to create a new node, you have to do so explicitly:

auto p = std::unique_ptr<Node>(new Node(nodes.get(i));

What makes this even more confusing is that similar expressions represent the creation of a new Node without having to write out the new:

// new Node(Node*, bool)
auto p = std::unique_ptr<Node>(nodes.get(i), true);

// new Node(42)
auto p = std::unique_ptr<Node>(42);

// does not create a new Node (!)
auto p = std::unique_ptr<Node>(nodes.get(i));

In addition to the confusion over whether this is an ownership transfer or a creation, it is unforgiving of typos like

Node* n;

// This takes ownership of n
auto p = std::unique_ptr<Node>(n);

// This creates a new Node that is a copy of *n
auto p = std::unique_ptr<Node>(*n);

To avoid this pit of failure, we probably should use a tag type to indicate whether we are taking ownership or making a new object.

template<typename T>
struct unique_ptr

    template<typename... Args>
    unique_ptr(in_place_t, Args&&... args) :
        unique_ptr(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) {}

Node* n;

// Take ownership of n
auto p = std::unique_ptr<Node>(n);

// Create a new Node with n as its parent
auto p = std::unique_ptr<Node>(std::in_place, n);

// Create an empty unique_ptr
auto p = std::unique_ptr<Node>();

// Create a new default Node and wrap it in a unique_ptr
auto p = std::unique_ptr<Node>(std::in_place);

// Move-construct a new unique_ptr from an existing one
std::unique_ptr<ListNode> rest = /* ... */;
auto q = std::unique_ptr<ListNode>(std::move(rest));

// Move-construct a new unique_ptr from an existing one
auto q = std::unique_ptr<ListNode>(std::in_place, std::move(rest));

At this point, the new overload seems much more hassle than it’s worth. You may as well just factor the “make a new Node” feature into a separate function make_unique. This is more explicit that it makes a new Node, and it’s less typing anyway.

// Take ownership of n
std::unique_ptr<Node> p(n);

// Create a new Node with n as its parent
auto p = std::make_unique<Node>(n);

// Create an empty unique_ptr
auto p = std::unique_ptr<Node>();

// Create a new default Node and wrap it in a unique_ptr
auto p = std::make_unique<Node>();

// Move-construct a new unique_ptr from an existing one
std::unique_ptr<ListNode> rest = /* ... */;
auto q = std::unique_ptr<ListNode>(std::move(rest));

// Move-construct a new unique_ptr from an existing one
auto q = std::make_unique<ListNode>(std::move(rest));

If you want to make a new object, use the make_unique function.



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.

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  • David Haim · Edited

    There's also a philosophical aspect to this question.
    Pointers always have a bi-polar character - there's the pointer, which is the variable itself holding the memory address, and there's the pointee, which is the actual object that the pointer points to.
    when we talk about pointers, we need to make the distinction between the pointer-variable and the pointee.

    In traditional C++ (pre c++11), we create the pointee (by allocating the object on the stack or heap, usually), then we assign the actual pointer-variable to point to it - we build the pointee and then assign the pointer.
    unique_ptr and shared_ptr imitate...

    Read more