Integrity levels capture the sense of “running as a regular Win32 process”, “running elevated”, “running in a sandbox process”, that sort of thing. They describe what degree of security enforcement is applied to the process and how protected the process is from other processes.
You can inspect a process’s integrity level by calling GetTokenInformation
and asking for TokenIntegrityLevel
. For this trick, I’m going to use the magic GetCurrentProcessToken()
function to save me the trouble of hunting down the process token (and then closing it when done). And I’ll use the wil::
helper function from the Windows Implementation Library to do the grunt work of calling GetTokenInformation
twice, once to get the buffer size, and again to fill it.
#include <wil/token_helpers.h> DWORD GetCurrentProcessIntegrityLevel() { auto info = wil::get_token_information<TokenIntegrityLevel>( GetCurrentProcessToken()); auto sid = info->Label.Sid; return *GetSidSubAuthority(sid, *GetSidSubAuthorityCount(sid)-1); }
To get the integrity level, we obtain the TokenIntegrityLevel
information, which takes the form of a TOKEN_
. That structure consists of a Label
, and in the Label
is a Sid
. That’s where the integrity level is.
The integrity level is encoded in the SID as the relative identifier (the final subauthority). So we ask how many subauthorities there are and ask for the last one.
All that’s left is mapping that integer to a semantic range.
auto integrityLevel = GetCurrentProcessIntegrityLevel(); if (integrityLevel >= SECURITY_MANDATORY_SYSTEM_RID) { print("System integrity"); } else if (integrityLevel >= SECURITY_MANDATORY_HIGH_RID) { print("High integrity"); } else if (integrityLevel >= SECURITY_MANDATORY_MEDIUM_RID) { print("Medium integrity"); } else if (integrityLevel >= SECURITY_MANDATORY_LOW_RID) { print("Low integrity"); } else { print("Below low integrity?"); }
Alternatively, we can check from low to high, but the tests look weird because we’re testing the upper boundary of the range, which is named after the next range.
auto integrityLevel = GetCurrentProcessIntegrityLevel(); if (integrityLevel < SECURITY_MANDATORY_LOW_RID) { print("Below low integrity?"); } else if (integrityLevel < SECURITY_MANDATORY_MEDIUM_RID) { print("Low integrity"); } else if (integrityLevel < SECURITY_MANDATORY_HIGH_RID) { print("Medium integrity"); } else if (integrityLevel < SECURITY_MANDATORY_SYSTEM_RID) { print("High integrity"); } else { print("System integrity"); }
Note the importance of using range checks rather than direct equality checks. That way, you will successfully handle new integrity levels that are created inside an existing range, such as SECURITY_
, which is an integrity level inserted into the “Medium” range, above the regular SECURITY_
. There’s also an unnamed integrity level that is SECURITY_
+ 0x10
which is assigned to medium integrity applications with UIAccess rights.
The sample code in the archived content almost gets it right, but it forgets to handle the case of an integrity level less than SECURITY_
Using auto in blog posts to declare variables is a horrible thing, because without intellisense there is just no help to identify what is going on.
I used Intuitionsense(TM) to look up TokenIntegrityLevel, found that it’s a member of the TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration, used in something called GetTokenInformation() to retrieve a TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL structure. Intellisense isn’t going to tell you anything more than ‘info’ is a pointer to a TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL, like what it is and what you can do with it, whereas IntuitionSense can do that.
Well, auto does lose in Google hits. Unless of course, they have also implemented Intuitionsense(TM)(R)(C)
Which begs the question, why does the TokenElevation information class exist and why does it produce the wrong result (at least it did up to including 8.1, not tested this in a while).
This can lead to a confusing situation:
1 Elevate cmd.exe.
2 Craft a program that takes this elevated token and reduces the IL to Low IL and start another cmd.exe with this new token.
3 The new Low IL cmd.exe in a new console still says “Administrator” in the console title! The token for this process still reports TokenElevation=Elevated. The IL is correct and reports 0x1000.
I believe the elevation type is set during logon, i.e., TokenElevationTypeDefault if no split token is created, or TokenElevationTypeFull and TokenElevationTypeLimited for the elevated and non-elevated split tokens, respectively.
Presumably if you are modifying a token by lowering the integrity level it is your responsibility to disable the administrators group and change the elevation type accordingly. Correction: it doesn't seem to be possible to change the elevation type of an existing token.
(I would note that when Explorer needs to reduce its own permissions, it does so by using a scheduled task rather than by messing with the token; this is...
Regardless, the net result is that the console is marked as administrator even though the token can’t pass any actual security checks because those actually check the IL instead of whatever TOKEN_ELEVATION is supposed to be used for.
Yes, but this is because you are modifying the token in a way you shouldn’t.
I’ve done a bit of digging but there doesn’t seem to be any way to change an elevated token into a non-elevated token. Even the LUA_TOKEN option to CreateRestrictedToken doesn’t work. I did find this a little surprising. In practice, though, it doesn’t matter, because the correct solution is to use the limited token that was generated for you at logon.
I've just checked, and if you run Edge elevated it first de-elevates using the limited token generated at logon, and only then starts implementing the further restrictions you're talking about. (You can confirm this with Process Explorer by checking the logon session; at logon, the elevated and non-elevated tokens get assigned to different logon sessions. All the Edge processes I can find are in the non-elevated logon session, even though I launched Edge "as administrator".)
(On the other hand, it might not really matter in this scenario. I mean, Chromium is using these tokens to run special-purpose code...
Observation: That may not be safe to do so, If you’re deliberately lowering a token you probably want to be extremely explicit with it because you have extremely good security reasons for not running elevated. For example Chromium (and thus Edge) start browser processes with the untrusted SID and token level and then carefully build up a token that gives them just enough to run. You can actually see each process’ current sandbox state using
There have been times in my code I've been sorely tempted to add checks like this to make sure someone isn't running my app elevated. I've never actually gone forwards with it because there is always that one user that turns off UAC completely and then complains about everything. That said I do my best to ensure everything works perfectly at medium integrity. I'd do low but that would be too much of a pain to make work without doing a lot of token tuning to grant back the bits of medium I need. I've always lamented there was no...
If I remember correctly, it is possible to distinguish between your process being elevated and UAC being turned off. I think TokenElevationType is the appropriate query: TokenElevationTypeDefault means UAC is off or the user isn’t an administrator, TokenElevationTypeFull means the process is elevated, and TokenElevationTypeLimited means the process is not elevated. I haven’t tested this recently, so caveat emptor.
(On general principles though, and without knowing what sort of applications you’re talking about, if I make the choice to run an application elevated then I’d rather the programmer not override that decision.)