Finding the average of two unsigned integers, rounding toward zero, sounds easy:
unsigned average(unsigned a, unsigned b) { return (a + b) / 2; }
However, this gives the wrong answer in the face of integer overflow: For example, if unsigned integers are 32 bits wide, then it says that average(0x80000000U, 0x80000000U)
is zero.
If you know which number is the larger number (which is often the case), then you can calculate the width and halve it:
unsigned average(unsigned low, unsigned high) { return low + (high - low) / 2; }
There’s another algorithm that doesn’t depend on knowing which value is larger, the U.S. patent for which expired in 2016:
unsigned average(unsigned a, unsigned b) { return (a / 2) + (b / 2) + (a & b & 1); }
The trick here is to pre-divide the values before adding. This will be too low if the original addition contained a carry from bit 0 to bit 1, which happens if bit 0 is set in both of the terms, so we detect that case and make the necessary adjustment.
And then there’s the technique in the style known as SWAR, which stands for “SIMD within a register”.
unsigned average(unsigned a, unsigned b) { return (a & b) + (a ^ b) / 2; }
If your compiler supports integers larger than the size of an unsigned
, say because unsigned
is a 32-bit value but the native register size is 64-bit, or because the compiler supports multiword arithmetic, then you can cast to the larger data type:
unsigned average(unsigned a, unsigned b) { // Suppose "unsigned" is a 32-bit type and // "unsigned long long" is a 64-bit type. return ((unsigned long long)a + b) / 2; }
The results would look something like this for processor with native 64-bit registers. (I follow the processor’s natural calling convention for what is in the upper 32 bits of 64-bit registers.)
// x86-64: Assume ecx = a, edx = b, upper 32 bits unknown mov eax, ecx ; rax = ecx zero-extended to 64-bit value mov edx, edx ; rdx = edx zero-extended to 64-bit value add rax, rdx ; 64-bit addition: rax = rax + rdx shr rax, 1 ; 64-bit shift: rax = rax >> 1 ; result is zero-extended ; Answer in eax // AArch64 (ARM 64-bit): Assume w0 = a, w1 = b, upper 32 bits unknown uxtw x0, w0 ; x0 = w0 zero-extended to 64-bit value add x0, w1, uxtw ; 64-bit addition: x0 = x0 + (uint32_t)w1 ubfx x0, x0, 1, 32 ; Extract bits 1 through 32 from result ; (shift + zero-extend in one instruction) ; Answer in x0 // Alpha AXP: Assume a0 = a, a1 = b, both in canonical form insll a0, #0, a0 ; a0 = a0 zero-extended to 64-bit value insll a1, #0, a1 ; a1 = a1 zero-extended to 64-bit value addq a0, a1, v0 ; 64-bit addition: v0 = a0 + a1 srl v0, #1, v0 ; 64-bit shift: v0 = v0 >> 1 addl zero, v0, v0 ; Force canonical form ; Answer in v0 // MIPS64: Assume a0 = a, a1 = b, sign-extended dext a0, a0, 0, 32 ; Zero-extend a0 to 64-bit value dext a1, a1, 0, 32 ; Zero-extend a1 to 64-bit value daddu v0, a0, a1 ; 64-bit addition: v0 = a0 + a1 dsrl v0, v0, #1 ; 64-bit shift: v0 = v0 >> 1 sll v0, #0, v0 ; Sign-extend result ; Answer in v0 // Power64: Assume r3 = a, r4 = b, zero-extended add r3, r3, r4 ; 64-bit addition: r3 = r3 + r4 rldicl r3, r3, 63, 32 ; Extract bits 63 through 32 from result ; (shift + zero-extend in one instruction) ; result in r3 // Itanium Ia64: Assume r32 = a, r4 = b, upper 32 bits unknown extr r32 = r32, 0, 32 // zero-extend r32 to 64-bit value extr r33 = r33, 0, 32 ;; // zero-extend r33 to 64-bit value add.i8 r8 = r32, r33 ;; // 64-bit addition: r8 = r32 + r33 shr r8 = r8, 1 // 64-bit shift: r8 = r8 >> 1
Note that we must ensure that the upper 32 bits of the 64-bit registers are zero, so that any leftover values in bit 32 don’t infect the sum. The instructions to zero out the upper 32 bits may be elided if you know ahead of time that they are already zero. This is common on x86-64 and AArch64 since those architectures naturally zero-extend 32-bit values to 64-bit values, but not common on Alpha AXP and MIPS64 because those architectures naturally sign-extend 32-bit values to 64-bit values.
I find it amusing that the PowerPC, patron saint of ridiculous instructions, has an instruction whose name almost literally proclaims its ridiculousness: rldicl. (It stands for “rotate left doubleword by immediate and clear left”.)
For 32-bit processors with compiler support for multiword arithmetic, you end up with something like this:
// x86-32 mov eax, a ; eax = a xor ecx, ecx ; Zero-extend to 64 bits add eax, b ; Accumulate low 32 bits in eax, set carry on overflow adc ecx, ecx ; Accumulate high 32 bits in ecx ; ecx:eax = 64-bit result shrd eax, ecx, 1 ; Multiword shift right ; Answer in eax // ARM 32-bit: Assume r0 = a, r1 = b mov r2, #0 ; r2 = 0 adds r0, r1, r2 ; Accumulate low 32 bits in r0, set carry on overflow adc r1, r2, #0 ; Accumulate high 32 bits in r1 ; r1:r0 = 64-bit result lsrs r1, r1, #1 ; Shift high 32 bits right one position ; Bottom bit goes into carry rrx r0, r0 ; Rotate bottom 32 bits right one position ; Carry bit goes into top bit ; Answer in r0 // SH-3: Assume r4 = a, r5 = b ; (MSVC 13.10.3343 code generation here isn't that great) clrt ; Clear T flag mov #0, r3 ; r3 = 0, zero-extended high 32 bits of a addc r5, r4 ; r4 = r4 + r5 + T, overflow goes into T bit mov #0, r2 ; r2 = 0, zero-extended high 32 bits of b addc r3, r2 ; r2 = r2 + r3 + T, calculate high 32 bits ; r3:r2 = 64-bit result mov #31, r3 ; Prepare for left shift shld r3, r2 ; r2 = r2 << r3 shlr r4 ; r4 = r4 >> 1 mov r2, r0 ; r0 = r2 or r4, r0 ; r0 = r0 | r4 ; Answer in r0 // MIPS: Assume a0 = a, a1 = b addu v0, a0, a1 ; v0 = a0 + a1 sltu a0, v0, a0 ; a0 = 1 if overflow occurred sll a0, 31 ; Move to bit 31 srl v0, v0, #1 ; Shift low 32 bits right one position or v0, v0, a0 ; Combine the two parts ; Answer in v0 // PowerPC: Assume r3 = a, r4 = b ; (gcc 4.8.5 -O3 code generation here isn't that great) mr r9, r3 ; r9 = r3 (low 32 bits of 64-bit a) mr r11, r4 ; r11 = r4 (low 32 bits of 64-bit b) li r8, #0 ; r8 = 0 (high 32 bits of 64-bit a) li r10, #0 ; r10 = 0 (high 32 bits of 64-bit b) addc r11, r11, r9 ; r11 = r11 + r9, set carry on overflow adde r10, r10, r8 ; r10 = r10 + r8, high 32 bits of 64-bit result rlwinm r3, r10, 31, 1, 31 ; r3 = r10 >> 1 rlwinm r9, r11, 31, 0, 0 ; r9 = r1 << 31 or r3, r3, r9 ; Combine the two parts ; Answer in r3 // RISC-V: Assume a0 = a, a1 = b add a1, a0, a1 ; a1 = a0 + a1 sltu a0, a1, a0 ; a0 = 1 if overflow occurred slli a0, a0, 31 ; Shift to bit 31 slri a1, a1, 1 ; a1 = a1 >> 1 or a0, a0, a1 ; Combine the two parts ; Answer in a0
Or if you have access to SIMD registers that are larger than the native register size, you can do the math there. (Though crossing the boundary from general-purpose register to SIMD register and back may end up too costly.)
// x86-32 unsigned average(unsigned a, unsigned b) { auto a128 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(a); auto b128 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(b); auto sum = _mm_add_epi64(a128, b128); auto avg = _mm_srli_epi64(sum, 1); return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(avg); } movd xmm0, a ; Load a into bottom 32 bits of 128-bit register movd xmm1, b ; Load b into bottom 32 bits of 128-bit register paddq xmm1, xmm0 ; Add as 64-bit integers psrlq xmm1, 1 ; Shift 64-bit integer right one position movd eax, xmm1 ; Extract bottom 32 bits of result // 32-bit ARM (A32) has an "average" instruction built in unsigned average(unsigned a, unsigned b) { auto a64 = vdup_n_u32(a); auto b64 = vdup_n_u32(b); auto avg = vhadd_u32(a64, b64); // hadd = half of add (average) return vget_lane_u32(avg); } vdup.32 d16, r0 ; Broadcast r0 into both halves of d16 vdup.32 d17, r1 ; Broadcast r1 into both halves of d17 vhadd.u32 d16, d16, d17 ; d16 = average of d16 and d17 vmov.32 r0, d16[0] ; Extract result
But you can still do better, if only you had access to better intrinsics.
In processors that support add-with-carry, you can view the sum of register-sized integers as a (N + 1)-bit result, where the bonus bit N is the carry bit. If the processor also supports rotate-right-through-carry, you can shift (N + 1)-bit result right one place, recovering the correct average without losing the bit that overflows.
// x86-32 mov eax, a add eax, b ; Add, overflow goes into carry bit rcr eax, 1 ; Rotate right one place through carry // x86-64 mov rax, a add rax, b ; Add, overflow goes into carry bit rcr rax, 1 ; Rotate right one place through carry // 32-bit ARM (A32) mov r0, a adds r0, b ; Add, overflow goes into carry bit rrx r0 ; Rotate right one place through carry // SH-3 clrt ; Clear T flag mov a, r0 addc b, r0 ; r0 = r0 + b + T, overflow goes into T bit rotcr r0 ; Rotate right one place through carry
While there is an intrinsic for the operation of “add two values and report the result as well as carry”, we don’t have one for “rotate right through carry”, so we can get only halfway there:
unsigned average(unsigned a, unsigned b) { #if defined(_MSC_VER) unsigned sum; auto carry = _addcarry_u32(0, a, b, &sum); return _rotr1_carry(sum, carry); // missing intrinsic! #elif defined(__clang__) unsigned carry; auto sum = _builtin_adc(a, b, 0, &carry); return _builtin_rotateright1throughcarry(sum, carry); // missing intrinsic! #elif defined(__GNUC__) unsigned sum; auto carry = __builtin_add_overflow(a, b, &sum); return _builtin_rotateright1throughcarry(sum, carry); // missing intrinsic! #else #error Unsupported compiler. #endif }
We’ll have to fake it, alas. Here’s one way:
unsigned average(unsigned a, unsigned b) { #if defined(_MSC_VER) unsigned sum; auto carry = _addcarry_u32(0, a, b, &sum); return (sum / 2) | (carry << 31); #elif defined(__clang__) unsigned carry; auto sum = _builtin_addc(a, b, 0, &carry); return (sum / 2) | (carry << 31); #elif defined(__GNUC__) unsigned sum; auto carry = __builtin_add_overflow(a, b, &sum); return (sum / 2) | (carry << 31); #else #error Unsupported compiler. #endif } // _MSC_VER mov ecx, a add ecx, b ; Add, overflow goes into carry bit setc al ; al = 1 if carry set shr ecx, 1 ; Shift sum right one position movzx eax, al ; eax = 1 if carry set shl eax, 31 ; Move to bit 31 or eax, ecx ; Combine ; Result in eax // __clang__ mov ecx, a add ecx, b ; Add, overflow goes into carry bit setc al ; al = 1 if carry set shld eax, ecx, 31 ; Shift left 64-bit value ; Result in eax // __clang__ with ARM-Thumb2 adds r0, r0, r1 ; Calculate sum with flags blo nope ; Jump if carry clear movs r1, #1 ; Carry is 1 lsls r1, r1, #31 ; Move carry to bit 31 lsrs r0, r0, #1 ; Shift sum right one position adcs r0, r0, r1 ; Combine b done nope: movs r1, #0 ; Carry is 0 lsrs r0, r0, #1 ; Shift sum right one position adds r0, r0, r1 ; Combine done: // __GNUC__ mov eax, a xor edx, edx ; Preset edx = 0 for later setc add eax, b ; Add, overflow goes into carry bit setc dl ; dl = 1 if carry set shr eax, 1 ; Shift sum right one position shl edx, 31 ; Move carry to bit 31 or eax, edx ; Combine
I considered trying a sneaky trick: Use the rotation intrinsic. (gcc doesn’t have a rotation intrinsic, so I couldn’t try it there.)
unsigned average(unsigned a, unsigned b) { #if defined(_MSC_VER) unsigned sum; auto carry = _addcarry_u32(0, a, b, &sum); sum = (sum & ~1) | carry; return _rotr(sum, 1); #elif defined(__clang__) unsigned carry; sum = (sum & ~1) | carry; auto sum = __builtin_addc(a, b, 0, &carry); return __builtin_rotateright32(sum, 1); #else #error Unsupported compiler. #endif } // _MSC_VER mov ecx, a add ecx, b ; Add, overflow goes into carry bit setc al ; al = 1 if carry set and ecx, -2 ; Clear bottom bit movzx ecx, al ; Zero-extend byte to 32-bit value or eax, ecx ; Combine ror ear, 1 ; Rotate right one position ; Result in eax // __clang__ mov ecx, a add ecx, b ; Add, overflow goes into carry bit setc al ; al = 1 if carry set shld eax, ecx, 31 ; Shift left 64-bit value // __clang__ with ARM-Thumb2 movs r2, #0 ; Prepare to receive carry adds r0, r0, r1 ; Calculate sum with flags adcs r2, r2 ; r2 holds carry lsrs r0, r0, #1 ; Shift sum right one position lsls r1, r2, #31 ; Move carry to bit 31 adds r0, r1, r0 ; Combine
Mixed results. For _MSC_VER
, the code generation got worse. For __clang__
for ARM-Thumb2, the code generation got better. And for __clang__
for x86, the compiler realized that it was the same as before, so it just used the previous codegen!
Bonus chatter: And while I’m here, here are sequences for processors that don’t have rotate-right-through-carry.
// AArch64 (A64) mov x0, a adds x0, x1, b ; Add, overflow goes into carry bit addc x1, xzr, xzr ; Copy carry to x1 extr x0, x1, x0, 1 ; Extract bits 64:1 from x1:x0 ; Answer in x0 // Alpha AXP: Assume a0 = a, a1 = b, both 64-bit values addq a0, a1, v0 ; 64-bit addition: v0 = a0 + a1 cmpult a0, v0, a0 ; a0 = 1 if overflow occurred srl v0, #1, v0 ; 64-bit shift: v0 = v0 >> 1 sll a0, #63, a0 ; 64-bit shift: a0 = a0 << 63 or a0, v0, v0 ; v0 = v0 | a0 ; Answer in v0 // Itanium Ia64: Assume r32 = a, r33 = b, both 64-bit values add r8 = r32, r33 ;; // 64-bit addition: r8 = r32 + r33 cmp.ltu p6, p7 = r8, r33 ;; // p6 = true if overflow occurred (p6) addl r9 = 1, r0 // r9 = 1 if overflow occurred (p7) addl r9 = 0, r0 ;; // r9 = 0 if overflow did not occur shrp r8 = r9, r8, 1 // r8 = extract bits 64:1 from r9:r8 // Answer in r8 // MIPS: Same as multiprecision version // PowerPC: Assume r3 = a, r4 = b addc r3, r3, r4 ; Accumulate low 32 bits in r3, set carry on overflow adde r5, r4, r4 ; Shift carry into bottom bit of r5 (other bits garbage) rlwinm r3, r3, 31, 1, 31 ; Shift r3 right by one position rlwinm r5, r5, 31, 0, 0 ; Shift bottom bit of r5 to bit 31 or r3, r5, r5 ; Combine the two parts // RISC-V: Same as multiprecision version
Bonus chatter: C++20 adds a std::midpoint
function that calculates the average of two values (rounding toward a
Bonus viewing: std::midpoint? How hard could it be?
Update: I was able to trim an instruction off the PowerPC version by realizing that only the bottom bit of r5
participates in the rlwinm
, so the other bits can be uninitialized garbage. For the uninitialized garbage, I used r4
, which I know can be consumed without a stall because the addc
already consumed it.
Here’s the original:
// PowerPC: Assume r3 = a, r4 = b li r5, #0 ; r5 = 0 (accumulates high 32 bits) addc r3, r3, r4 ; Accumulate low 32 bits in r3, set carry on overflow addze r5, r5 ; Accumulate high bits in r5 rlwinm r3, r3, 31, 1, 31 ; Shift r3 right by one position rlwinm r5, r5, 31, 0, 0 ; Shift bottom bit of r5 to bit 31 or r3, r5, r5 ; Combine the two parts
Update 2: Peter Cordes pointed out that an instruction can also be trimmed from the AArch64 version by using the uxtw
extended register operation to combine a uxtw
with an add
. Here’s the original:
// AArch64 (ARM 64-bit): Assume w0 = a, w1 = b, upper 32 bits unknown uxtw x0, w0 ; x0 = w0 zero-extended to 64-bit value uxtw x1, w1 ; x1 = w1 zero-extended to 64-bit value add x0, x1 ; 64-bit addition: x0 = x0 + x1 ubfx x0, x0, 1, 32 ; Extract bits 1 through 32 from result ; (shift + zero-extend in one instruction) ; Answer in x0
Well, I was wondering how other compilers did with the version on x86-32, so I tried it on compiler explorer, and the results for GCC look pretty lousy.
Note that Compiler Explorer apparently doesn't have separate 32-bit options for these compilers, so I had to pass throughout. (GCC 1.27 kept crashing, and it's said not to support a 64-bit integer type anyway.)
So yeah, GCC *immediately* forgets that the top halfs of the 64-bit versions of a and b are zero and does ALL of the adding. (Apparently -fsplit-wide-types was supposed to help with this ... but it doesn't...
That patent is hilarious.
To calculate (A+B)/2 in a single cycle in hardware, their idea is to calculate (A/2)+(B/2) and (A/2)+(B/2)+1 in parallel and then select between them based on ((A&1)&(B&1)). Immediately I wondered why they didn't just feed ((A&1)&(B&1)) in as the carry-in to a single adder.
But... it's even simpler than that. A typical adder already outputs N+1 bits in the form of the output and carry-out. As Raymond points out, you just need to shift right including that carry bit. Which in hardware, is just wiring the output offset by one connection. A single ordinary N-bit adder with a...
You forgot to mark the first code snippet as “code in italics is wrong”.
It isn’t wrong per se. It just produces the wrong result in one corner case, which I’d say is quite infrequent: averaging two pointers isn’t meaningful, and the most frequent numeric values are way smaller than those that would trigger the corner case (see Benford’s law:, so chances are that the function is called in a place where it is known that both arguments are inside the valid range. In that case, the first code sample is perfectly valid.
If software were required to work correctly only in common cases, software development would be a lot easier. The nasty bugs are in the corner cases.
Right. But if you know the range of both parameters, and that range never produces a sum bigger than or equal to 2^32, you do know that the corner case will never get hit. For example, if you are averaging indexes in a binary search, you do know the array size – and I think it’s safe to say that arrays with more than 2^31 items are pretty rare. If you know your program will never create such a big array (or if it has checks preventing that), the corner case simply will never happen.
"For example, if you are averaging indexes in a binary search, you do know the array size – and I think it’s safe to say that arrays with more than 2^31 items are pretty rare."
So rare that it took the JDK code that did exactly this about a decade and a bit before people started to complain about getting wrong results ("practically impossible with year 2000 hardware" just isn't the same in 2010 and "pretty rare" will happen quite regularly if your code is executed in lots of different scenarios by lots of people).
To be snarky: If the result...
True as far as that goes. But IMO that's not going very far ...
I think there are 4 cases:
1. This function uses an algorithm that cannot overflow regardless of the parameters. In this case, this code would have no bugs.
2. This function contains explicit checks for parameters that would trigger overflow and fails those calls with some variation of an argument exception. Or equivalently, this code detects any overflow when it occurs and propagates that failure as some form of overflow exception. In this case, this code would have no bugs. But ... unless all callers in...
I think the best option for a non-overflowing average is:
The total cycles is 36 in MIPS ASM.
I remember getting really mad back in the day when I couldn’t convince the compiler to generate:
mul bx
div cx
When I really wanted to multiply and divide and the result fit in 16 bits but the intermediate product didn’t. But this takes the cake.
This is why I liked the TopSpeed compiler; you could define an inline function by specifying the appropriate bytes of code and calling convention, so for that example you would tell it that the code took three arguments in registers ax, bx and cx, dx was destroyed and the result was in ax.