March 5th, 2021

Creating a co_await awaitable signal that can be awaited multiple times, part 5

So far, we’ve been creating an awaitable signal that can be awaited multiple times.

In the most recent incarnation, we reversed the list in order to approximate FIFO resume. Doing this at resume time means that the list of nodes gets walked twice, once when reversing, and once when resuming. Let’s fix this by keeping a separate pointer to the last pointer, so we can append nodes to the end of the list in O(1). This adds an extra pointer to the size of the awaitable_event, but we will earn that memory back by overloading the last pointer to indicate whether the event is signaled: Once the event is signaled, we will never append any nodes, so we will set last to nullptr to indicate that the event is signaled.

The last member is a std::atomic because we access it outside the lock while another thread is potentially mutating it. The default accessors for std::atomic use std::memory_order_seq_cst, but we want std::memory_order_relaxed, since we don’t really mind the data race, as long as the read isn’t torn. To avoid having to write out std::memory_order_relaxed all the time, I’ll introduce a relaxed_atomic helper class.

// new
template<typename T>
struct relaxed_atomic : std::atomic<T>
  using atomic = std::atomic<T>;
  using atomic::atomic;
  using atomic::load;
  using atomic::store;

  T load() const noexcept
  { return atomic::load(std::memory_order_relaxed); }
  void store(T value) noexcept 
  { atomic::store(value, std::memory_order_relaxed); }

  operator T() const noexcept { return load(); }
  relaxed_atomic& operator=(T value) noexcept
  { store(value); return *this; }

struct awaitable_event
  void set() const
  { shared->set(); }

  auto operator co_await() const noexcept
  { return awaiter{ *shared }; }

  struct node
    node* next;
    std::experimental::coroutine_handle<> handle;

  struct state
    // std::atomic_bool signaled =false;
    winrt::slim_mutex mutex;
    node* head = nullptr;
    relaxed_atomic<node**> last = &head; // new

    void set()
      node* rest = nullptr;
        auto guard = winrt::slim_lock_guard(mutex);, std::memory_order_relaxed); // new
        rest = std::exchange(head, nullptr);
      // while (lifo) {
      //     auto n = lifo;
      //     lifo = std::exchange(n->next, fifo);
      //     fifo = n;
      // }
      while (rest) {
        auto handle = rest->handle;
        rest = rest->next;

    bool await_ready() const noexcept
      return !last.load(); // new

    bool await_suspend(node& n) noexcept
      auto guard = winrt::slim_lock_guard(mutex);
      auto p = last.load();
      if (!p) return false;
      *p = &n;
      last = &; = nullptr;
      return true;

    void await_resume() const noexcept { }

  struct awaiter
    state& s;
    node n;

    bool await_ready() const noexcept { return s.await_ready(); }
    bool await_suspend(
      std::experimental::coroutine_handle<> handle) noexcept
      n.handle = handle;
      return s.await_suspend(n);

    void await_resume() const noexcept { return s.await_resume(); }

  std::shared_ptr<state> shared = std::make_shared<state>();

There’s still a lot to say about this implementation (and the other implementations we’ve been looking at so far). We’ll take up some of the topics next time.



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


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