September 21st, 2020

Git commit-tree parlor tricks, Part 8: I just rebased my branch, but now I realize that I should have merged

Suppose you created a feature branch in git and made some changes. Meanwhile, the main branch has also made some changes:

A M1 M2   master
    F1 F2   feature

From a common ancestor commit A, we create a feature branch and make two commits, F1 and F2. Meanwhile, the master branch has received two commits M1 and M2.

You decide to rebase your topic branch onto the main branch. Many merge conflicts later, you finish with this:

A M1 M2           master
            F1′ F2′   feature

The resulting graph is now linear, with the original commits A1, M1 and M2, followed by new commits F1′ and F2′.

And then you realize that what you really meant to do was merge, not rebase. Is there a way to convert the rebase into a merge without having to go back and deal with all those merge conflicts again?

Indeed there is.

We’ve seen something very similar before, when we retroactively converted a squash to a merge. This is pretty much the same thing: We have a final result, and we want to manufacture a merge that has the same final result.

git commit-tree HEAD^{tree} -p M2 -p F2 -m comment

Note: If using the Windows cmd command prompt, you need to type

git commit-tree HEAD^^{tree} -p M2 -p F2 -m comment

for reasons discussed earlier.

What we did was manufacture a new commit that contains the same results as F2′, but assigned it the parents M2 and F2. The first parent is the branch you want to pretend that you are merging to, and the second parent is the branch you want to pretend that you are merging from.

A M1 M2 F2′   master
  ↖︎       ↙︎
    F1 F2       feature

The output of the git commit-tree command is a commit hash. You can now reset to that commit, and all will be forgiven.

git reset --soft 〈hash〉

Resetting in soft mode preserves all the changes you may have staged. Those staged changes are still valid because the starting point hasn’t changed: The commit you are resetting to has the same tree as the commit you are moving from.

Bonus chatter: If we had swapped the two parent commits, like this:

git commit-tree HEAD^{tree} -p F2 -p M2 -m comment

then the result would have been

A M1 M2       master
  ↖︎       ↙︎
    F1 F2 F2′   feature



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


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  • GL

    A layperson’s multi-step solution: Let the final result be commit `final`. Rewind to `origin/master` and merge with `topic` without resolving any conflict. Load the final result and amend the merge commit.

  • word merchant

    I miss cvs.

    • Daniel Sturm

      Stockholm syndrome I gather.

      I don’t even want to think about trying to do something like this in CVS.

  • Yuri Khan

    For completeness, if you didn’t take the time to write out all the relevant commit IDs before rebasing:

    * M2 was not affected by the rebase, so it is still the head of master.
    * F2 is the historically previous head of the feature branch, designated as feature@{1}.