Last time, we looked at how task cancellation is projected in C++/CX with PPL and explicit continuations. But how about C++/CX with PPL and coroutines?
auto picker = ref new FileOpenPicker(); picker->FileTypeFilter.Append(L".txt"); cancellation_token_source cts; call<bool> do_cancel([cts](bool) { cts.cancel(); }); timer<bool> delayed_cancel(3000U, false, &do_cancel); delayed_cancel.start(); StorageFile^ file; try { file = co_await create_task(picker->PickSingleFileAsync(), cts.get_token()); } catch (task_canceled const&) { file = nullptr; } if (file != nullptr) { DoSomething(file); }
Notice that coroutines save us a lot of the hassle of setting up the call
and timer
because the objects live in the coroutine frame, which continues to exist until the coroutine completes.
Again, the task throws a task_canceled
upon cancellation. This time, it’s because of the await_resume
for the task awaiter, which you can find in pplawait.h
template <typename _Ty>
struct _Ppltask_awaiter {
decltype(auto) await_resume() {
return _Task.get();
But wait, the PPL library also supports awaiting on raw IAsyncAction^
and IAsyncOperation^
objects. Next time, we’ll look at what happens in that case.