December 23rd, 2019

C++ coroutines: The problem of the DispatcherQueue task that runs too soon, part 1

I was experiencing occasional crashes in C++/WinRT’s resume_foreground function when it tries to resume execution on a dispatcher queue. Here’s a simplified version of that function:

auto resume_foreground(DispatcherQueue const& dispatcher)
  struct awaitable
    DispatcherQueue m_dispatcher;
    bool m_queued = false;

    bool await_ready()
      return false;

    bool await_suspend(coroutine_handle<> handle)
      m_queued = m_dispatcher.TryEnqueue([handle]
      return m_queued;

    bool await_resume()
      return m_queued;
  return awaitable{ dispatcher };

All you need to know about the Dispatcher­Queue object is that the Try­Enqueue method takes a delegate and schedules it to run on the dispatcher queue’s thread. If it is unable to do so (say, because the thread has already exited), then the function returns false. The return value of the Try­Enqueue method is the result of the co_await.

Let’s walk through how this function is intended to work.

The resume_foreground method returns an object that acts as its own awaiter. When a co_await occurs, the coroutine first calls await_ready, which returns false, meaning “Go ahead and suspend me.”

Next, the coroutine calls await_suspend. This method tries to queue the resumption of the coroutine onto the dispatcher thread and remembers whether it succeeded in the m_queued member variable.

Returning the value of m_queued means that if the continuation was successfully scheduled (true), the coroutine remains suspended until it is resumed when the handle is invoked. On the other hand, if the continuation was not successfully scheduled (false), then the suspension is abandoned, and execution resumes immediately on the same thread.

Either way, when the coroutine resumes, it is told whether the rescheduling onto the dispatcher thread succeeded.

Okay, now that you see how it is intended to work, can you spot the defect?

This code violates one of the rules we gave when we were getting started with awaitable objects: Once you arrange for the handle to be called, you cannot access any member variables because the coroutine may have resumed before async_suspend finishes.

And that’s what’s happening here: The dispatcher queue is running the lambda even before the async_suspend can save the answer into m_queued. As a result, the code crashes (if you’re lucky) or corrupts memory (if you’re not).

So we need to make sure the lambda doesn’t race ahead of async_suspend.

Next time, we’ll make our first attempt to fix this.

(The fact that I call it our first attempt gives you a clue that it may take more than one try.)




Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


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  • Joe Beans

    I dealt with this problem while wrapping coroutines around I/O in C#. What would happen is that I would begin an OVERLAPPED operation but the completed OVERLAPPED would get posted to the thread pool before I even received the continuation delegate from the async builder state machine! This made the awaiter logic more complicated.

    The way I solved it was to have an Interlocked.Decrement(...) countdown variable inside the awaiter initialized to 2 if the API returned ERROR_IO_PENDING. When the thread pool callback was called, it decremented. When it was time to check OnCompleted, it decremented. Whichever branch reached 0 was...

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  • Joshua Hudson

    And someone was wondering why I might want to do EnterCriticalSection from one thread and release it in another.

    async IO appears to be a good reason.

    • Joshua Hudson

      And no comments show up on this article w/o being logged in.

  • Kalle Niemitalo

    This feels similar to IoMarkIrpPending, STATUS_PENDING, and PendingReturned in WDM drivers. Conditionally transferring ownership to another execution agent.

    How about this kind of solution:

    /* In case the lambda is dequeued and run
    * before TryEnqueue even returns. */
    m_queued = true;

    if (m_dispatcher.TryEnqueue([handle]

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