C++/CX is a language extension intended to make consuming the Windows Runtime easier. It is, however, no longer the C++ projection of choice. That honor now belongs to C++/WinRT, which allows you to consume the Windows Runtime using standard-conforming C++, no language extensions required.
For those of you stuck with C++/CX, here’s a little puzzle: What do these functions do?
bool Mystery1(Object^ o) { if (o) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool Mystery2(Object^ o) { return static_cast<bool>(o); } bool Mystery3(Object^ o) { return bool(o); } bool Mystery4(Object^ o) { return (bool)o; }
You’d think these would all be equivalent, but they’re not.
In the first mystery function, the hat pointer o
is contextually converted to bool
, and that’s done by treating nullptr
as falsy and anything else as truthy. In this respect, hat pointers are like star pointers.
The remaining mystery functions take the object that o
points to and attempt to unbox it to a bool
, and they all behave the same way:
If o is |
Then you get |
(Object^)true | true |
(Object^)false | false |
nullptr | NullReferenceException thrown |
anything else | InvalidCastException thrown |
If you just want to know what happens and don’t care to understand the deep metaphysical significance of those last two rows, I don’t blame you.
But that’s probably not why you’re here. You want to understand the weird crazy world that led to the strange table above.
What’s going on is that a Object^
is really an IInspectable*
under the hood. And cast operations on IInspectable*
are performed by doing a QueryÂInterface
. In this case, we are casting to IBox<bool>*
If you have a nullptr
, then the attempt to call QueryÂInterface
results in a null pointer dereference, hence the NullÂReferenceÂException
If the object is not a boxed bool
, then the QueryÂInterface
, which is expressed in C++/CX as an InvalidÂCastÂException
For me, the weird part is that there are two different categories of results: The contextual conversion is different from the other conversions.
It means that you get weird puzzles like this:
Object^ p = false; Object^ q = false; if (p) std::cout << 1; if ((bool)p) std::cout << 2; if (static_cast<bool>(p)) std::cout << 3; if (p == q) std::cout << 4; if (p == false) std::cout << 5; if (!p) std::cout << 6; if ((bool)p == (bool)q) std::cout << 7;
What does this fragment print?
Condition | What’s happening | Result |
if (p) | Tests p against nullptr. | prints 1 |
if ((bool)p) | Unboxes p to bool. | does not print |
if (static_cast<bool>(p)) | Unboxes p to bool. | does not print |
if (p == q) | Compares two objects for identity. | does not print |
if (p == false) | Boxes false then compares two objects for identity. |
does not print |
if (!p) | Tests p against nullptr. | does not print |
if ((bool)p == (bool)q) | Unboxes p and q and compares them. | prints 7 |
Converting hat pointers to bool
is very strange. Be glad you don’t have to deal with it.
Next time, we’ll look at C++/WinRT. It’ll be a lot less strange.
Reminds me a bit of JavaScript
Nice way to get that contextual conversion, which I suspect would work here, is
var isTrue ==!!o;
(disclaimer, typed on a phone keyboard fighting autocorrect, and thus definitely not tested)
Curious: How does COM with generics (e.g., IReference) look like in plain C? What is the interface ID for that? (Where can I find the docs for them…?)
The types just get inflated in the headers. IReference int becomes (taken from Windows.Foundation.h):
typedef struct __FIReference_1_intVtbl
HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )(__RPC__in __FIReference_1_int * This,
/* [in] */ __RPC__in REFIID riid,
/* [annotation][iid_is][out] */
_COM_Outptr_ void **ppvObject);
This is why I stick with either plain C or C#…