You set up a new C++/WinRT project and build it, and everything looks great.
#include <winrt/Windows.Gaming.Input.h> void CheckGamepads() { auto gamepads = winrt::Windows::Gaming::Input::Gamepad::Gamepads(); for (auto&& gamepad : gamepads) { check(gamepad); } }
The code builds just fine except that you get a linker error that makes no sense. (Let’s face it, most linker errors make no sense until you put on your linker-colored glasses.)
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: struct winrt::Windows:: Foundation:: Collections:: IIterator<struct winrt:: Windows:: Gaming:: Input:: Gamepad> __thiscall winrt:: impl:: consume_ Windows_ Foundation_ Collections_ IIterable<struct winrt:: Windows:: Foundation:: Collections:: IIterable<struct winrt:: Windows:: Gaming:: Input:: Gamepad>,struct winrt:: Windows:: Gaming:: Input:: Gamepad>:: First(void)const " (?First@ ?$consume_ Windows_ Foundation_ Collections_ IIterable@ U?$IIterable@ W4Gamepad@ Gaming@ Input@ Windows@ winrt@@@ Collections@ Foundation@ Windows@ winrt@@ W4Gamepad@ Gaming@ Input@ 45@@ impl@ winrt@@ QBE? AU? $IIterator@ W4Gamepad@ Gaming@ Input@ Windows@ winrt@@@ Collections@ Foundation@ Windows@ 3@ XZ) referenced in function "struct winrt:: Windows:: Foundation:: Collections:: IIterator<struct winrt:: Windows:: Gaming:: Input:: Gamepad> __stdcall winrt:: impl:: begin<struct winrt:: Windows:: Foundation:: Collections:: IIterable<struct winrt:: Windows:: Gaming:: Input:: Gamepad>,0>(struct winrt:: Windows:: Foundation:: Collections:: IIterable<struct winrt:: Windows:: Gaming:: Input:: Gamepad> const &)" (??$begin@ U?$IIterable@ W4Gamepad@ Gaming@ Input@ Windows@ winrt@@@ Collections@ Foundation@ Windows@ winrt@@ $0A@@ impl@ winrt@@ YG?AU?$ IIterator@ W4Gamepad@ Gaming@ Input@ Windows@ winrt@@@ Collections@ Foundation@ Windows@ 1@ ABU?$ IIterable@ W4Gamepad@ Gaming@ Input@ Windows@ winrt@@@ 3451@@Z)
What the heck is going on here?
Take away all the decorations and it boils down to this:
unresolved external symbol "winrt::impl:: consume_ ... IIterable<...>:: First()" referenced in function "begin(winrt:: IIterable<...> const&)."
The linker couldn’t find a definition for the First
The answer from the linker’s point of view is obvious: You called this consume_BlahBlah
method but never defined it.
Yeah, so tell me something I don’t know.
Each C++/WinRT header file contains the information needed to call methods on the classes in that namespace. In our case, we included Windows.Gaming.Input.h
, which tells us how to call methods on winrt::
objects. That made it possible to call Gamepad::
. The resulting gamepads
variable is a winrt::
. We then use a ranged for
statement to enumerate them, and that means that we’re calling methods on the gamepads
object, which means that we’re calling methods on a winrt::
Ah, but we never told the compiler how to call the methods of IVectorView
. The Windows.Gaming.Input.h
header file included only the information to allow the methods of Gamepad
to be called. “Okay, I got you all set up for Gamepad
.” Any types required from other interfaces were left as forward declarations. “If you need them, you can get the definitions yourself.”¹
We used those forward declarations without ever defining them, hence the linker error.
The solution is to include the required header file for the namespace.
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.Collections.h>
This is one of those rookie mistakes that make you scratch your head the first time you encounter it. The need to include the header file is mentioned in a big green box in the documentation, but that’s not much consolation after you lost a few hours trying to figure it out.
There’s some good news and bad news about this error message.
The good news is that this error message is going away. The bad news is that it’s being replaced with a different error message. (But hopefully the new one is easier to understand.) More details next time.
¹ The idea is that you pay only for the namespaces you use. If every header file included its transitive closure of dependencies, (1) you would create circular dependencies, and (2) including a single header file would end up including all the other header files when you chased through all the dependencies.
The idea of “pay for play” is not unique to C++/WinRT. The C++ standard library follows the same principle. If you want std::string
, you need to #include <string>
. If you include a header file that has a method that takes a string, you will end up with only enough information to call that method. It doesn’t mean that you get all of <string>
The tricky part of the old problem is that the linker error message would go away if by a lucky chance some other file in the project has
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.Collections.h>I believe this won’t happen with the new logic.
> Ah, but we never told the compiler how to call the methods of .
So why does that result in a linker error rather than a compiler error? For the given C++ example, where it's a parameter to a method, I would only expect to be able to call that method under restricted conditions, e.g. forwarding your own parameter to the method, since you won't be able to construct your own string. When it's a return value, I suspect C++ would probably give up, since it wouldn't know how to destroy the local variable.
The method is declared but not implemented. It's implemented in the full header file. But it must be declared so that can call it. (C++/WinRT is a header-only component, so you cannot defer implementation to a library.) The compile phase doesn't know which object files are going to be linked together, so it doesn't know that the implementation will eventually turn up missing. Only the linker knows that. In the C++ case, the is declared as a nonmember function in .
Ah, so you have stub headers that declare everything, and then full headers which define everything? That explains it, thanks! (I was assuming that you were just dealing with references and pointers to incomplete types, but the type is completely declared, so that’s not the case here.)
One might hope that the wide arc of programming progress swings towards real progress, like better error messages that actually make sense to humans. It shouldn’t take that much AI to backtrack from that low-level dead-end up to something more relatable, like saying “You probably forgot to include xxxxx” or perhaps better yet, “Note: we are including xxxxx which you forgot to include unless you misspelled First”.