April 30th, 2019

Async-Async: Reducing the chattiness of cross-thread asynchronous operations

The Windows Runtime expresses the concept of asynchronous activity with the IAsync­Operation<T> and IAsyncAction interfaces. The former represents an operation that completes asynchronously with a result of type T. The latter represents an operation that completes asynchronously with no result; you can think of it as IAsync­Operation<void>. In fact, let’s just treat it as such for the purpose of this discussion.

When you call a method like Do­Something­Async, it returns an instance of the IAsync­Operation interface. All of the details of the IAsync­Operation interface are normally hidden from the developer by the language projection. If you are writing in C#, you see a Task; in JavaScript, you get a Promise. In C++/WinRT and C++/CX, you co_await IAsync­Operation, and the co_await machinery hides the details. In C++/CX, you can also convert the IAsync­Operation into a concurrency::task, and then schedule your continuation that way.

But today, we’re going to look at how things work under the covers.

At the raw interface level, asynchronous operations work like this. In the diagrams, a solid arrow represents a call, and a dotted arrow represents the return from that call.

Client   Server
Do­Something­Async() Start operation
  return IAsync­Operation
  release IAsync­Operation
… time passes …
Operation completes
  return Completed (or Error)
  return results
callback returns IAsync­Operations is destroyed

When the client calls the Do­Something­Async() method, the call is sent to the server, which starts the operation and returns an IAsync­Operation which represents the operation in progress.

The client calls the IAsync­Operation::put_Completed method to specify a callback that will be invoked when the operation is complete, thereby allowing the client to resume execution when the operation is complete. The server saves this callback and returns.

The client releases the IAsync­Operation, since it no longer needs it. The operation itself keeps the IAsync­Operation alive.

Time passes, and eventually the operation is complete.

The server invokes the callback to let it know that the operation is complete. The client receives a reference to the original IAsync­Operation as part of the callback. The client can interrogate the IAsync­Operation to determine whether the operation was successful or not, and if successful, what the result was.

Finally, when the callback returns, there are no more outstanding reference to the IAsync­Operation, so it destroys itself.

You may have noticed that this is a very chatty interface between the client and server. I mean, look at all those arrows!

Enter Async-Async.

Async-Async interposes layers on both the client and server which do local caching. The layer returns a fake async operation to the client and provides a fake client to the server.

Client   Client Layer   Server Layer   Server
Do­Something­Async() create fake IAsyncOperation  
  return fake IAsyncOperation fake client Start operation
put_Completed(callback) save in fake IAsyncOperation     return IAsyncOperation
  return   put_Completed(private)
Release()       return
  release fake IAsync­Operation   Release()
          release IAsync­Operation
… time passes …
Operation completes
          return Completed (or Error)
          return results
      return status and results
    cache status and results  
  callback.Invoke()   private returns IAsyncOperation is destroyed
  return cached status  
  return cached results  
callback returns fake IAsync­Operation is destroyed  

With Async-Async, the client’s call to Do­Something­Async() creates a fake IAsync­Operation on the client side. This fake IAsync­Operation makes a call out to the server to initiate the operation, but doesn’t wait for the server to respond to the request. Instead, the fake IAsync­Operation immediately returns to the client.

As before, the client calls IAsync­Operation::put_Completed method to specify a callback that will be invoked when the operation is complete, thereby allowing the client to resume execution when the operation is complete. The fake IAsync­Operation saves this callback and returns.

The client releases the fake IAsync­Operation, since it no longer needs it. The operation itself keeps the IAsync­Operation alive.

Meanwhile, the request from the fake IAsync­Operation reaches the server, where a fake client is constructed. This fake client asks the real server to start the operation, and it registers its own private callback to be notified when the operation is complete, and then it releases the IAsync­Operation.

Time passes, and eventually the operation is complete.

The server invokes the callback to notify the fake client that the operation is complete. The fake client immediately retrieves the status and result, and transmits both to the fake IAsync­Operation, thereby completing the asynchronous call that was initiated by the fake IAsync­Operation at the start.

The fake client then returns from its callback, and everything on the server side is now all done.

Meanwhile, the fake IAsync­Operation has received the operation’s status and result and invokes the client’s callback. As before, the client calls the IAsync­Operation::get_Status() method to find out whether the operation was successful or not, and it calls the IAsync­Operation::Get­Results() method to obtain the results of the asynchronous operation from the fake IAsync­Operation. The client returns from its callback, and everything on the client side is now all done.

This interface is much less chatty. There is only one call from the client to the server (to start the operation), and only one call from the server back to the client (to indicate the status and result of the operation). All the rest of the calls are local and therefore fast.

From the client’s perspective, Async-Async takes asynchronous operations and makes them even more asynchronous: Not only does the operation itself run asynchronously, even the starting of the operation takes place asynchronously. This gives control back to the client sooner, so it can do productive things like, say, running other ready tasks.

Note that Async-Async comes into play only when the method call needs to be marshaled. If the client and server are on the same thread, then there is no need for Async-Async because the calls are all local already.

Async-Async was introduced in Windows 10, and it is enabled for nearly all Windows-provided asynchronous operations. There are some methods that do not use Async-Async because they need to start synchronously; UI operations fall into this category.

You can enable Async-Async for your own asynchronous operations by adding the [remote_async] attribute to your methods.

runtimeclass Awesome
  Windows.Foundation.IAsyncAction BeAwesomeAsync();

Although Async-Async is intended to be transparent to the client, there are some things to be aware of. We’ll look at those next time.



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.

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  • Joe Beans

    “Note that Async-Async comes into play only when the method call needs to be marshaled.”
     I would move that paragraph to the beginning of the post. The context is very puzzling without it.