November 7th, 2018

Using linker segments and __declspec(allocate(…)) to arrange data in a specific order

You can declare a section and then start generating data into it.

#pragma section("mydata$a", read, write)  
__declspec(allocate("mydata$a")) int i = 0;

#pragma section("mydata$b", read, write)  
__declspec(allocate("mydata$b")) int j = 0;

The #pragma section directive lets you define a new section and assign attributes. You can then place data into that section with the __declspec(allocate(...)) attribute.

When the linker combines all the little bits and pieces of data, it does the following:

  • It takes the section names and splits them at the first dollar sign. (If there is no dollar sign in the section name, then the entire string is treated as the “before the first dollar sign” portion.)
  • The portion before the dollar sign is the name of the section in the generated module.
  • The portion after the dollar sign, if any, is used to sort the fragments within a section.

It is common to take advantage of the “sorts the data fragments alphabetically” step by generating data into a carefully-named sequence of sections so that they can iterate over all the objects in the middle section:

typedef void (*INITIALIZER)();

#pragma section("mydata$a", read)  
__declspec(allocate("mydata$a")) const INITIALIZER firstInitializer = nullptr;

    __declspec(allocate("mydata$" s)) \
    const INITIALIZER initializer##fn = fn

#pragma section("mydata$g", read)  
#pragma section("mydata$m", read)  
#pragma section("mydata$t", read)  


#pragma section("mydata$z", read)  
__declspec(allocate("mydata$z")) INITIALIZER lastInitializer = nullptr;

// In various files

// file1.cpp

// file2.cpp

// file3.cpp

// file4.cpp

The idea is that anybody who needs to add an initializer declares a function pointer in the mydata$g, mydata$m, or mydata$t section. The linker will collect all of those function pointers from same-named sections together, and then sort the sections, so that the final order of fragments in the mydata section is

mydata$a firstInitializer main.obj  
mydata$g DoThisSooner3 file3.obj unspecified
DoThisSooner4 file4.obj  
mydata$m Function2 file2.obj unspecified
Function1 file1.obj
Function3 file3.obj
mydata$t DoThisLater2 file2.obj unspecified
DoThisLater4 file4.obj
mydata$z lastInitializer main.obj

The Initialize­All­The­Things function then walks through all the function pointers between first­Initializer and last­Initializer and calls each one.

The alphabetical ordering rule ensures that the mydata$a fragment comes first, so that first­Initializer has the lowest address. Next comes the mydata$g fragments, which contain the early initializers. Following that are the mydata$m fragments, which are the regular initializers. Next are the mydata$t fragments, which contain the late initializers. And finally the mydata$z fragment, which contains last­Initializer.

Now that we understand the principle behind section grouping and sorting, we can look at the gotchas next time.


Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


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