Continuing our series on getting the computer’s serial number in desktop apps in various languages, next up is C++/WinRT.
From Visual Studio, create a new C++ Console Application that goes like this:
#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> // Horrors! Mixing C and C++! #include "winrt/Windows.System.Profile.SystemManufacturers.h" int __cdecl wmain(int, char**) { winrt::init_apartment(); { auto serialNumber = winrt::Windows::System::Profile:: SystemManufacturers::SmbiosInformation::SerialNumber(); wprintf(L"Serial number = %ls\n", serialNumber.c_str()); } // The last thread cleans up before uninitializing for good. winrt::clear_factory_cache(); winrt::uninit_apartment(); return 0; }
Before building, prepare the project as follows:
- Right-click the Project in Visual Studio and select Manage NuGet packages. Click the Browse tab and search for “cppwinrt”, then click Install.
- Right-click the Project in Visual Studio and select Properties. Configure the project as follows:
- Configuration Properties, C/C++ Language C++ Language Standard: Set to ISO C++17 Standard (/std:c++17).
- Configuration Properties, Linker, Inputs, Additional Dependencies: add
Okay, now you can build and run the program.
C++/WinRT lets you consume Windows Runtime objects without requiring any nonstandard language extensions. It’s all standard C++17.
So that’s native code. Next up is C#.
Bonus chatter:
Raymond Chen posted an example of reading a computers serial number with C++/WinRT:
Since Im fond of brevity, heres a more concise example:
I would also recommend the version of C++/WinRT available in the Windows SDK.
— Kenny Kerr (@kennykerr) January 8, 2018