August 30th, 2017

The Alpha AXP, part 17: Reconstructing a call stack

I’m going to wrap up the formal part of the series by applying the information we’ve been learning over the past several days weeks: We’re going to reconstruct a broken stack.

Suppose you have a debug session where all the k command says is

Callee-SP Return-RA  Call Site
 0235d380 777b63e4 : contoso!OnSysColorChange+0x60

That’s it. We’ll have to unwind the stack manually. We need to keep track of the stack pointer depth and watch where the compiler stashed the return address. We can do this by going forward or backward. I’ll demonstrate both.

Let’s go backward:

kd> u .-60
777b6380 : 23deffe0 lda    sp,-20(sp)
777b6384 : b53e0000 stq    s0,0(sp)
777b6388 : b55e0008 stq    s1,8(sp)
777b638c : b75e0010 stq    ra,10(sp)

From the function prologue, we see that it allocates 0x20 bytes of stack and puts the return address at offset 0x10. So we can pull the first return address right away:

kd> dd @sp+10 L1
0235d390  7773b4e8

Since our local stack frame is 0x20 bytes, that means that the caller’s stack begins at @sp + 20. Let’s look at the caller.

kd> u 7773b4e8
7773b4e8 : a20b0040 ldl    a0,40(s2)
7773b4ec : 47ef0411 bis    zero,fp,a1
7773b4f0 : 47ed0412 bis    zero,s4,a2
7773b4f4 : 47ec0413 bis    zero,s3,a3
7773b4f8 : e61ff989 beq    a0,0000000077739b20 contoso!WndProc+590
7773b4fc : d3407858 bsr    ra,0000000077759660 contoso!ForwardMessage
7773b500 : 47ff0400 bis    zero,zero,v0
7773b504 : c3e00122 br     zero,000000007773b990 contoso!WndProc+2400

Referring to the source code reveals that the last two lines are a return 0, so that last jump goes to the function epilogue. This time, we’re debugging forward.

kd> u 7773b990
7773b990 : a75e0048 ldq    ra,48(sp)
7773b994 : a57e0020 ldq    s2,20(sp)
7773b998 : a59e0028 ldq    s3,28(sp)
7773b99c : a5be0030 ldq    s4,30(sp)
7773b9a0 : a5de0038 ldq    s5,38(sp)
7773b9a4 : a53e0010 ldq    s0,10(sp)
7773b9a8 : a55e0018 ldq    s1,18(sp)
7773b9ac : a5fe0040 ldq    fp,40(sp)
7773b9b0 : 63ff0000 trapb
7773b9b4 : 23de01b0 lda    sp,1b0(sp)
7773b9b8 : 6bfa8001 ret    zero,(ra),1  contoso!OnSysColorChange+60

(The disassembler is “helpfully” resolving the (ra) to contoso!OnSysColorChange+60, based on the current value in the ra register. It’s not correct because the ra register will certainly change between the current execution point and the ret, but we’ll give the debugger a nice pat on the head for trying.)

By studying the epilogue, we see that the function keeps its return address at offset 0x48. Since we already had an adjustment of 0x20 from WndProc, the combined offset from @sp is

kd> dd @sp+20+48 L1
0235d3e8  77c9a028

And now we just repeat this procedure until we get the full stack trace or we get bored.

kd> u 77c9a028
77c9a028 : b01e0040 stl    v0,40(sp)
77c9a02c : 43e00000 addl   zero,v0,v0
77c9a030 : a75e0030 ldq    ra,30(sp)
77c9a034 : a53e0008 ldq    s0,8(sp)
77c9a038 : a55e0010 ldq    s1,10(sp)
77c9a03c : a57e0018 ldq    s2,18(sp)
77c9a040 : a59e0020 ldq    s3,20(sp)
77c9a044 : a5be0028 ldq    s4,28(sp)
77c9a048 : 23de0060 lda    sp,60(sp)
77c9a04c : 6bfa8001 ret    zero,(ra),1  contoso!OnSysColorChange+60
kd> dd @sp+20+1b0+30 l1
0235d580  77cb64c0
kd> u 77cb64c0
77cb64c0 : a75e0000 ldq    ra,0(sp)
77cb64c4 : 23de0010 lda    sp,10(sp)
77cb64c8 : 6bfa8001 ret    zero,(ra),1  contoso!OnSysColorChange+60
kd> dd @sp+20+1b0+60+0 l1
0235d5b0  777a7c04

So we have successfully reconstructed this call stack:


Lather, rinse, repeat. (In this particular case, I needed to go back around 20 stack frames in order to find out why the WM_SYS­COLOR­CHANGE message was coming in at such a strange time.)

That concludes our rather lengthy whirlwind tour of the Alpha AXP processor. Maybe you found it interesting, maybe not, but there you have it.

Next up is the MIPS R4000. But I don’t do it right now, since you’re probably all tired of this CPU architecture stuff. I’ll wait a while and then spring it on you when you least expect it.



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


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