You might have an application (like a game) where the default touch contact visualizations are a distraction. In WinRT, you can disable the contact visualizations by simply saying
// JavaScript Windows.UI.Input.PointerVisualizationSettings. getForCurrentView(). isContactFeedbackEnabled = false; // C# Windows.UI.Input.PointerVisualizationSettings. GetForCurrentView(). IsContactFeedbackEnabled = false; // C++ Windows::UI::Input::PointerVisualizationSettings:: GetForCurrentView()-> IsContactFeedbackEnabled = false;
In Win32, you use the
To demonstrate that, let’s take our
scratch program
and make
this simple change:
BOOL OnCreate(HWND hwnd, LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs) { BOOL fEnabled = FALSE; SetWindowFeedbackSetting(hwnd, FEEDBACK_TOUCH_CONTACTVISUALIZATION, 0, sizeof(fEnabled), &fEnabled); return TRUE; }
The touch visualizations are white and the default window color is white, so the visualizations are hard to see in the scratch program. Let’s change the color to something that the visualizations will be more visible against.
wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT + 1);
Run the program, and you’ll see that if you touch the window
and drag your finger around,
there is no little white circle
and no white streak that follows your finger.
(Note, however, that the
Optimize visual feedback for projection to an external monitor,
setting overrides the
so if you have projection contacts enabled, then you still get the
dark circles.
Another way to get dark circles is to stay up late and not get enough
Although we disabled contact visualizations, we still get visualizations for gestures like tap or tap-and-hold. We can turn those off, too:
BOOL OnCreate(HWND hwnd, LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs) { BOOL fEnabled = FALSE; SetWindowFeedbackSetting(hwnd, FEEDBACK_TOUCH_CONTACTVISUALIZATION, 0, sizeof(fEnabled), &fEnabled); SetWindowFeedbackSetting(hwnd, FEEDBACK_TOUCH_TAP, 0, sizeof(fEnabled), &fEnabled); SetWindowFeedbackSetting(hwnd, FEEDBACK_TOUCH_DOUBLETAP, 0, sizeof(fEnabled), &fEnabled); SetWindowFeedbackSetting(hwnd, FEEDBACK_TOUCH_PRESSANDHOLD, 0, sizeof(fEnabled), &fEnabled); SetWindowFeedbackSetting(hwnd, FEEDBACK_TOUCH_RIGHTTAP, 0, sizeof(fEnabled), &fEnabled); return TRUE; }
The complete list of things you can disable is given