“How do I destroy a window that belongs to another process?”
The DestroyWindow
function will not destroy
windows that belong to another thread,
much less another process.
The best you can do is post a
message to the window to ask it nicely.
The DefWindowProc
function response to the
message by destroying the window,
but the window is free to add a custom handler for the
message which rejects the request.
(If you are thinking of posting the
then you’re the sort of person who
prank-calls somebody pretending to be the police.)
If you want to distinguish between user-initiated requests to close the window (say, by clicking the X button in the corner), and your special, “No, really, just destroy the window” demand to close the window, you can invent a private message for this purpose.
#define WM_FORCECLOSE (WM_APP + 3141) LRESULT CALLBACK VictimWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { ... case WM_FORCECLOSE: DestroyWindow(hwnd); return 0; ... } return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } void ForceCloseWindow(HWND hwnd) { PostMessage(hwnd, WM_FORCECLOSE, 0, 0); }
Of course, this
message works only
with windows specially designed to understand it.
“I can’t do that because the window I want to force closed belongs to some application I did not write, so I cannot modify its window procedure.”
This is another case of If it’s not yours, then don’t mess with it without permission from the owner. One of the rules of thumb for real life is that if something doesn’t belong to you, then you shouldn’t mess with it unless you have permission from the owner.
You need to work with the application vendor to come to some sort of agreement on how you can tell the application to close the window unconditionally. Otherwise, you’re even worse than the guest who visits a house and calls the demolition company to have the house destroyed. You’re the guy who calls the demolition company to order the destruction of some completely unrelated house.
How would you like it if a random person called the demolition company to destroy your house?