My brother-in-law enjoys greeting his nieces when they come over to visit by throwing them into the air and asking, “叫聲我?” (Who am I?) The nieces happily reply, “舅舅.” (Uncle.) He then tosses them up into the air a second time and says, “大聲啲!” (Louder!) And the nieces happily shout, “舅舅!” One time, my wife was talking with her brother at a normal volume, and his niece came into the room and said to my wife, “大聲啲! 舅舅聽唔到!” (Louder! Uncle can’t hear you!)
Update: Per Frank’s suggestion below, changed the niece’s outburst from “舅舅冇聽到!” The incident occurred many years ago, and I cannot remember exactly what was said, so I’ll go with what’s funnier.