Welcome to CLR Week 2013, returned from its two-year hiatus.
A customer reported that when they checked with the debugger,
reported false
even though they were running on an x86 machine,
which is a little-endian architecture.
ushort foo = 65280; 65280 BitConverter.IsLittleEndian false BitConverter.GetBytes(foo) {byte[2]} [0]: 0 [1]: 255
The bytes are extracted in little-endian order, despite the claim that the machine is big-endian. “I don’t get it.”
I didn’t know the answer, but I knew how to use a search engine, and a simple search quickly found this explanation:
Reading a member from the debugger merely reads the value of the member from memory.
That simple statement hides the answer by saying what happens and leaving you to figure out what doesn’t happen. Here’s what doesn’t happen: Reading a member from the debugger does not execute the code to initialize that member.
In the case of
the LittleEndian
is initialized by the static constructor.
But when are static constructors run?
For C#, static constructors are run
before the first instance is created or any static members are referenced.
Therefore, if you never create any BitConverter
(which you can’t since it is a static-only class),
and if you never access any static members,
then its static constructor is not guaranteed to have run,
and consequently
anything that is initialized by the static constructor
is not guaranteed to have been initialized.
And then when you go looking at in the debugger, you see the uninitialized value.
Why doesn’t the debugger execute static constructors before dumping a value from memory? Probably because the debugger wants to avoid surprises. It would be weird if you tried to dump a value from the debugger and the program resumed execution!
Now, when you ask the debugger to evaluate
the debugger has no choice but to execute application code,
but that’s okay because you explicitly told it to.
But let’s continue that debugging session:
ushort foo = 65280; 65280 BitConverter.IsLittleEndian false BitConverter.GetBytes(foo) {byte[2]} [0]: 0 [1]: 255 BitConverter.IsLittleEndian true ← hey look
Your call to
caused code to execute,
and then the CLR said,
“Okay, but before I call this member function, I am required
to run the static constructor, because those are the rules,”
and that resulted in the Is­:LittleEndian
field being initialized to true
The customer replied, “Thanks. The trick was finding the correct search terms.”
I didn’t think my choice of search terms was particularly devious. I simply searched for bitconverter.islittleendian false.
Bonus reading: The byte order fallacy by Rob Pike. “Whenever I see code that asks what the native byte order is, it’s almost certain the code is either wrong or misguided.”