John asks
why there is a special constant CSIDL_DESKTOP
defined for the desktop.
After all, in order to use CSIDL_DESKTOP
you need to call SHGetDesktopFolder
and then
bind to it.
What’s the point of having an ITEMIDLIST
represents the desktop if, in order to use it,
you first need to get the desktop?
It’s like asking why the file system uses
to refer to the current directory.
You’re already in the current directory.
In order to resolve .
(dot), you already need to have
the current directory, so why bother with the dot at all?
Because it is often convenient to give a name to your starting point.
Suppose somebody wants to save a file to the desktop.
How would you represent this as an ITEMIDLIST
If the only thing you can do is fill in the blank in the
“Start with the desktop folder, then go to ________, then
save the file there,”
then you need a way to say “where you are now.”
And that’s what CSIDL_DESKTOP
gives you.
that says “Where you are now.”
weren’t defined,
somebody would have invented it.
Say your program has a list of directories it wants to operate on,
say, the Documents folder, the Music folder,
and the Shared Documents folder.
Great, so let me write a function:
void DoItIn(HWND hwnd, int csidl) { PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pidl; if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetSpecialFolderLocation( hwnd, csidl, &pidl))) { IShellFolder *psf; if (SUCCEEDED(SHBindToObject(NULL, pidl, NULL, IID_PPV_ARGS(&psf)))) { ... psf->Release(); } CoTaskMemFree(pidl); } } void DoItInStandardPlaces(HWND hwnd) { const static int csidls[] = { CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS, CSIDL_MYMUSIC, CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS, }; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(csidls); i++) { DoItIn(hwnd, csidls[i]); } }
Now you want to add the desktop folder.
Oh wait, there is no CSIDL
value for the desktop,
so I’ll have to make one up.
// Our custom CSIDLs use the high word. None of the CSIDLs we use // set any bits in the high word, so we can use the high word to // detect whether we have a standard CSIDL or a custom CSIDL. #define CUSTOMCSIDL_DESKTOP 0x00010000 #define ISCUSTOMCSIDL(csidl) HIWORD(csidl) #define STANDARDCSIDLOF(csidl) LOWORD(csidl) HRESULT MyGetSpecialFolderLocation( HWND hwnd, int csidl, PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE *ppidl) { HRESULT hr; if (ISCUSTOMCSIDL(csidl)) { *ppidl = (PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(WORD)); if (*ppidl) { ppidl->mkid.cb = 0; hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { hr = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(hwnd, STANDARDCSIDLOF(csidl), ppidl); } return hr; }
Okay, cool, now I can add
Oh wait, I also have to have a custom version of
that knows how to bind to
this special new type of pidl that means “where you are now.”
HRESULT MyBindToObject(IShellFolder *psf, PCUIDLIST_RELATIVE pidl, IBindCtx *pbc, REFIID riid, void **ppv) { HRESULT hr; if (pidl->mkid.cb == 0) { *ppv = NULL; if (psf == NULL) { hr = SHGetDesktopFolder(&psf); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = psf->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); psf->Release(); } } else { hr = psf->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); } } else { hr = SHBindToObject(psf, pidl, pbc, riid, ppv); } return hr; }
Congratulations, you just reinvented CSIDL_DESKTOP
It can be very convenient to have a name for the null action.