Not Always Right is a collection of brief stories told by people in customer service. One of my favorites is from somebody who lives on Catalina Island and had to answer the question, “What time does the island close?”
Runners-up: (I’ve left off the punch lines so as not to spoil the surprise.)
- The person who called 9-1-1 because…
- The person who didn’t read the sign because…
- The person who didn’t read the sign because…
- The person who couldn’t get out of the building because…
- The person who can’t get into the bathroom because…
- The person who can’t enter the password because…
The stories have been collected into a book, The Customer Is Not Always Right: Hilarious and Horrific Tales of Customers Gone Wrong. It’s almost certainly a funnier and more enjoyable read than my own book. What’s more, they have a Facebook group and I don’t. Maybe I should start one?