Use WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING to intercept window state changes

Raymond Chen

The WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message is sent early in the window state changing process, unlike WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED, which tells you about what already happened. A crucial difference (aside from the timing) is that you can influence the state change by handling the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message and modifying the WINDOWPOS structure.

Here’s an example that prevents the window from being resized.

BOOL OnWindowPosChanging(HWND hwnd, WINDOWPOS *pwp)
    pwp->flags |= SWP_NOSIZE;
    /* Continue with default handling */
    return FORWARD_WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING(hwnd, pwp, DefWindowProc);

Before the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message was invented, programs had to enforce window size constraints inside their WM_SIZE and WM_MOVE handlers, but since those messages are sent after the change is complete, the result was flicker as the window changed to one size, then the WM_SIZE handler resized it to a better size. Intercepting the window size change in WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING allows you to enforce constraints before the sizing happens, thereby avoiding flicker.

The WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING and WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED pair of messages is just one example of the more general *CHANGING/*CHANGED pattern. (Other examples are WM_STYLECHANGING/WM_STYLECHANGED and LVN_ITEMCHANGING/LVN_ITEMCHANGED.) The *CHANGING half is sent before the change takes place, and as a general rule, you can change the parameters of the notification to enforce some type of constraint. After you return from the *CHANGING notification, the actual change takes place, and then you receive a *CHANGED to indicate that the change is complete.


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